
  1. 第二,对汽车终端市场销量信息的处理,通过对突变点的查找,确定需求结构发生本质变化的位置,并分析导致该突变点形成的原因;

    Second , we detect the turning point of the sales time series in Chinese Automobile Market to analyze the cause of the structure change of demand .

  2. 结果认为我国应利用加快发展社会中介主体,并利用政府体育组织的中介身份转型来使交易费用市场化,提高信息处理效率。

    The intermediary constitutions should be developed , and the sport government body should transform to the intermediary constitutions form to increase the information management efficiency .

  3. 信用风险分析正从主观判断法和传统的财务比率评分方法向以多变量、依赖于资本市场理论和计算机信息处理技术的动态计量分析为主的方法转变。

    Credit risk analysis has been transformed from the method of finance rating grade and subjective estimation to mainly dynamic econometrics analysis based on capital market theory and the technology of cyber-information disposal .