
shì zhènɡ suì dào
  • municipal-service tunnel
  1. 现代城市市政隧道的防排水技术措施

    Waterproofing and Drainage Measurements for Municipal Tunnel in Modernized City

  2. 新型城市公用市政隧道共同沟刍议

    New city public municipal tunnel " the utility tunnel "

  3. 杭州某市政隧道过既有铁路暗挖施工技术

    Undercutting construction technology of a municipal tunnel beneath existing railways in Hangzhou

  4. 富水砂卵石条件下大断面市政隧道浅埋暗挖法研究

    Study on the mining excavation of a shallow municipal tunnel with large cross-section embedded in water-soaked sandy cobble stratum

  5. 在市政公路隧道建设过程中,不可避免的要穿过一些已有的设施,这就对设计和施工提出了更高的要求。

    In the process of urban tunnel construction , it is inevitable to go through some of the facilities , then higher requirements were put forward in the design and the construction of tunnel .

  6. 所谓共同沟,即通常所说的地下综合管沟或管廊,是专门用于集中敷设各种市政管线的地下隧道。

    Utility tunnel is an integrated underground pipe ditch or pipeline corridor , which is especially used for laying of underground tunnel of municipal pipeline project .

  7. 盾构掘进机是一种广泛应用于地铁、铁路、公路、市政、水电等隧道工程施工的大型机械设备。

    Shield machine is a large mechanical device that is widely used in the construction of tunnel engineering such as subway , railway , roadway , city infrastructure , and water and electricity utility .

  8. 盾构掘进机是在地面以下暗挖隧道的一种的大型机械,现已广泛应用于地铁、铁路、公路、市政、水电等隧道工程。

    Shield machine is a large-scale mechanical device that is used for tunnel boring underground , now it has been widely used in tunnel construction of subway , railway , roadway , city infrastructure , and water and electricity utility .

  9. 随着市政管线的大量建设和盾构机在市政隧道中的逐渐应用,将出现越来越多的小直径盾构隧道。

    With the many municipal pipelines construction and the Shield machine gradual application in the municipal tunnel , there will be more and more Small-diameter Shield tunnel .