
shì chǎnɡ shì xiāo
  • test marketing
  1. 宽带业务的发展已经从技术评估和市场试销阶段迅速转向快速建立和铺开大众市场。

    The development of broadband services from technology assessment and market test marketing phase of rapid establishment and spread rapidly from the mass market .

  2. 初步的市场试销本来应该在去年九月就开始,对吗?

    The preliminary market test was due to start last september , wasn 't it ?

  3. 模糊综合评价可以把用户的主观判断予以量化,客观地反映市场对试销产品的反馈信息,为企业提供一个科学合理的决策依据。

    Synthetical analysis method using of fuzzy mathematics can reflect result if the trial product meets user 's requirements or not and provide a scientific strategical basis for enterprise .

  4. 为了能够建立起长期的合作关系,我将提供一些样品,供您在市场上试销。

    In order to achieve the good beginning and establish our long reliable business relationship , I will give you some free samples for you to test the market .

  5. 在新产品商业开发阶段,运用指标评价法、模糊综合评价法、现金流量表和财务分析表对新产品市场机会、试销结果、财务分析进行综合评价,以达到新产品成功上市的目的。

    In the new product launch stage , the methods such as the index evaluation , fuzzy comprehensive analysis , cash flow , finance analysis can be adopted in new product market opportunity select , market sale test evaluation and finance analysis .

  6. 新产品进入市场和市场营销计划的试金石是市场试销。

    Trial sale is the touchstone of new product entry of market and marketing plan .