
  • 网络employee-oriented;employee orientation
  1. 任务导向与员工导向:一项关于国营企业和中外合资企业领导风格的比较研究

    Task-oriented Leadership and Employee-oriented Leadership : A Comparing study of Leadership Styles in State Owned Enterprises and International Joint Ventures

  2. 员工导向管理的理论模型亦由市场导向框架的信息收集、沟通交流和行动构成。

    Internal customer orientation theory has three parts : Information collection , communication and action about competitor , employee and internal management .

  3. 中国旅游业员工顾客导向问题研究

    Research on Customer Orientation of Service Employee in the Tourism Industry in China

  4. 根据对员工素质导向不同,考核内容如下:1、业绩考核:目的是引导员工工作业绩的达成,日常工作考核以业绩考核为主。

    Based on different orientation for the staff quality , assessments are as follows : ① Performance evaluation : to aim at guiding the staff to reach job goals .

  5. 作者在27个宾馆、餐馆、旅行社进行了一次实证研究,探讨服务导向概念的组成成分与员工服务导向的影响因素和作用。

    The authors have done an empirical study in 27 hospitality business firms to investigate the dimensions of the construct of service orientation , explore the antecedents and consequences of employees ' service orientation .

  6. 领导和下属之间各种权力基础的差异都会导致员工权力距离导向认知的产生。

    All the power bases differences between leader and subordinate can create employee power distance orientation .

  7. 运美集团按照企业特点成功地推行员工的行为导向管理取得了良好的绩效。

    Yumei Cligue motivated staffs behaviour guidance management , according to the special features of the enterprise , and has gained good results .

  8. 而目标是企业与员工行为的导向和动力,处理好两者之间关系,首要的就是要处理好两者目标的关系。

    While the goal guides and motivates the behaviour of both enterprises and employees , the relationship between the enterprise goals and the employee goals is the most important .

  9. 研究结果1.由于信息时代的特点和企业对员工的考核导向,不同的人口统计学变量在内训师教学效能感、领导支持和工作绩效上没有显著差异。

    Due to the characteristics of this information times and KPI-guided of the corporate , trainers ' teaching efficacy of the different demographic variables has not significant difference . 2 .

  10. 它是以提供全体通用汽车员工以顾客为导向而来的一种评审要求。

    It has been developed to provide GM Corporate personnel with customer oriented audit requirements .

  11. 以“价值观”为基础的使命管理,以统一员工的使命为导向,倡导具有共同价值观基础的使命管理,使管理的发展又走向了一个新阶段。

    The mission-based management starts with the employees mission , which makes the management step to new stage .

  12. 绩效考核是企业的一种重要管理工具,对员工的行为有导向作用。

    As a very important tool for enterprises ' management , performance appraisal can guide employees ' behavior .

  13. 作为人力资源管理系统中的一个重要子系统,薪酬管理系统向员工传达企业价值导向,说明企业倡导的理念以及明确企业不愿看到的各种行为。

    As an important subsystem of the human resource management system , compensation management system communicates enterprise value orientation , the idea of that enterprise advocating and all kinds of behavior that enterprise not willing to see .

  14. 企业的薪酬政策和薪励政策,是企业的基本政策,影响着每位员工,对员工起着导向作用。

    Enterprise salary and salary incentive policy is the basic policy that affects each employee , playing a guiding role to staff .

  15. 本文探索了深化员工经济技术创新活动的方法、措施,提出要加强员工思想导向,完善创新管理机制,多形式开展创新活动。

    In this article , the writer explores the methods and measures of deepening innovation in an enterprise , and puts forword the opinions of strengthening the direction of employees thought , of perfecting the managing mechanism of innovation , and of launching various forms of innovatory activities .

  16. 服务氛围是影响员工服务行为和服务绩效的一个重要因素,服务氛围会影响服务行业中员工的工作态度,加强员工的服务导向意识,有效地促进员工积极为顾客提供优质的服务。

    Service climate is the important factors of service behavior and customer perceived service quality , service climate will affect staff attitudes and behavior , enhance staff awareness of service-oriented , incentive to work hard to do service work , In order to provide quality services to customers .

  17. 目前,企业员工素质尚未形成固定的结构模式,企业员工素质与绩效的关系难以量化,造成多数情况下员工素质考核带有较强主观性,并缺乏员工绩效的导向。

    At present , the quality of employees has not yet formed a fixed structural model , quality of employees and organizational performance are difficult to quantify , resulting in most cases , there are strong subjective in most staff quality appraisal and lack the orientation of employee performance .