
  • 【电工】maintainability
  1. 维修性设计;CAD平台;推理方法;支持功能;

    Maintainability design ; CAD platform ; Reasoning method ; Support function ;

  2. 可靠性维修性保障性CAD软件集成环境工程应用验证研究

    Engineering application verification research of reliability maintainability supportability in CAD software integrated environment

  3. 用人工神经网络BP算法预计系统维修性

    Using Neural Network BP Algorithm to Predict System Maintainability

  4. CNC车床维修性及其特征量的统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis of the Maintenance Data on the CNC Lathe

  5. 介绍了VISUALBASIC与Matlab混合编程方法在可靠性与维修性仿真中的应用。

    Application of system reliability and maintainability simulation based on Visual Basic and Matlab mixed programming is introduced in this paper .

  6. 在装备效能分析中,装备的可靠性(R)、维修性(M)及保障性(S)指标是影响装备效能的重要指标。

    When equipment effectiveness is analyzed , reliability and maintainability and supportability are important index to affect equipment effectiveness .

  7. 维修性分配工具与PDM系统的集成技术研究

    Research on integration technology between maintainability allocation tools and PDM systems

  8. 平均修复时间MTTR(MeanTimetoRepair)是衡量维修性的重要定量参数。

    MTTR ( Mean Time To Repair ) is a key quantitative index to describe the maintainability .

  9. 基于Bayes理论的小子样维修性试验与评定研究

    Research on Small Example Maintainability Experimentation and Evaluation of Bayes-Based Theory

  10. 机内自动检测(BIT)电路是实现雷达工作状态自动监测,提高可维修性的硬件设备。

    The BIT circuit is the hardware equipment that could automatically check the conditions of radar 's function and improve its maintainability .

  11. 基于Bayes的平台罗经维修性评估方法

    Stabilized Gyrocompass Maintainability Quantitative Criterions Evaluation based on Bayes

  12. NASA和ESA的空间系统维修性/维修技术研究

    Research on space system maintainability maintenance technology in NASA and ESA

  13. 基于CBR和RBR的维修性设计技术智能化

    Intellectualized Design Technique for Product Maintainability Based on CBR and RBR

  14. 基于CATIA的维修性信息嵌入技术研究

    Research on Embedded Technology of Maintainability Information Based on CATIA

  15. 将随机网络和BP神经网络应用于民用飞机维修性的评估与验证中,较好地验证了飞机照明系统和起落架系统的维修时间。

    Apply random net and neural net to evaluation and validation of civil aircraft maintainability , validate maintenance time of aircraft lighting system and landing gear system .

  16. 基于可靠性、维修性和保障性(RMS)特性的武器装备的系统效能评估模型,通过定义系统效能的度量及其系统效能。

    The system efficiency evaluation model based on RMS defines tolerance of system efficiency and system efficiency .

  17. 介绍了GRASP方法并分析了系统维修性问题的特点,建立了基于GRASP方法的维修时间与维修工时模型,并进行了实例研究。

    The paper introduces GRASP method and analyzes the characteristics of system maintainability . After this , the maintenance time and man-hour model based on GRASP is developed .

  18. 自动售检票系统的可靠性、可用性、可维修性及安全性(RAMS)分析

    RAMS Analysis of Automatic Fare Collection System Wastepaper Collection

  19. 平均修复时间(MTTR,MeanTimetoRepair)作为一个重要的维修性定量指标,目前其预计方法及算法立足于大量的试验结果和经验估计。

    As an important quantificational index for maintainability , the predication method and algorithm of mean time to repair ( MTTR ) are always dependent on experimentation and experience .

  20. 针对当前主要的可靠性维修性工程软件在装备可靠性维修性指标验证工作中存在的不足,该文给出了装备可靠性维修性指标验证的计算机辅助序贯验后加权检验(SPOT)软件系统的设计与实现。

    This paper presents the design of a computer aided software system for SPOT based verification of reliability and maintainability for military equipment to the deficiency of present RM engineering software in application .

  21. 提高A380可维修性的设计思想和工艺方法

    The Design and Processing Method to Enhance Maintainability of A380

  22. 该系统采用STD工业总线标准设计,可靠性高,维修性好,环境适应性强。

    For the using of STD industry bus standard in the design , the system has high reliability , maintainability and adaptability to environment .

  23. 采用VISUALFOXPRO为平台,开发了可靠性与维修性参数数据库系统MRPDBS。

    A database system of aeroengine maintainability and reliability parameters ( MRPDBS ) is developed with Visual FoxPro .

  24. SPRITE探测器在小批量试生产阶段的维修性改善

    The Maintainability of the SPRITE Detector Improved at the Stage of a Trying and Small Batch Production

  25. 基于RCM定性分析和维修性分析,确定了电站凝汽器合理的维修方式。

    On the basis of RCM qualitative and maintainability analysis a rational maintenance mode is determined for power plant condensers .

  26. 为了保证武器装备的战斗力,建立了基于可靠性、维修性和保障性(RMS)的系统效能评估模型。

    For assurance of weapons combat efficiency , an evaluation model is set up based on the reliability , maintainability and supportability ( RMS ) .

  27. 维修性作为ICF激光装置的主要度量指标之一,是确保神光III装置持久稳定可靠运行的重要保证。

    As one of the major measurement indices of ICF laser facilities , maintainability is an important factor to ensue SG-III can run permanently , stably and reliably .

  28. 运用BP神经网络的原理建立了系统的维修性模型,结合一实例对系统维修性主要指标进行了验证,效果较好。

    Using neural network BP algorithm , this paper presented a new system maintainability model , which can be used to estimated the system maintainability , and them presented an example to illustrate the model ′ s effectivity .

  29. 可靠性维修性保障性(RMS)是影响装备作战使用的重要因素,仿真法是进行武器装备作战使用研究的有效途径。

    Reliability , maintainability and supportability ( RMS ) are important factors to the use in combat of equipment , simulation is an efficient approach to RMS research .

  30. 分散控制系统(DCS)的维修性和对其进行维修性设计的优劣将直接影响着电力生产过程控制设备(DCS)的可靠运行。

    The maintainability of distributed control system ( DCS ) and the merits and demerits of maintainability design will have direct effect on the reliable operation of control equipment in the power generation process .