
  • 网络Allergen Testing
  1. Mast过敏原检测系统在常年性过敏性鼻炎诊断中的应用

    Utilization of Mast system in the diagnosis of perennial allergic rhinitis

  2. 方法利用德国敏筛定量过敏原检测系统检测68例AD患者的变应原。

    Methods In vitro allergy screening test ( IVT ) was used to detect allergens in 68 cases of AD.

  3. 结论用CAP过敏原检测系统检测过敏原特异性IgE抗体的结果准确性好,预测值高,表明该方法具有较高的实用诊断价值。

    Conclusion CAP system is of great potential value for diagnosis of allergens .

  4. 荨麻疹患者特异性IgE及过敏原检测应用

    The examination of specific IgE and sensitinogen for patients with urticaria

  5. 目的评价CAP过敏原检测系统检测过敏原特异性IgE抗体的准确性和预测值。

    Objective To evaluate the validity and predictive value of CAP specific IgE test system .

  6. 结论过敏原检测有助于确定HSP的病因;

    ConclusionAllergen test is helpful to determine the causes of HSP .

  7. 荨麻疹患者血清特异性IgE过敏原检测及两种氯雷他定的疗效比较

    The analysis of serum specific-IgE and allergen in urticaria patients and efficacy of loratadine in treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria patients

  8. 过敏原检测:138例进行了过敏原检测,131例IgE阳性,76例有相关过敏物。

    Allergen detection : 138 cases of patients had been tested allergens . Of these , 131 were positive for IgE and 76 cases had allergy-related objects . 8 .

  9. 目的探讨Mast过敏原检测系统对常年性过敏性鼻炎(PAR)诊断中的意义及其与皮肤试验(皮试),鼻腔粘膜激发试验(激发试验)的相关性。

    Objective To evaluate the role of Mast sIgE and to explore the relation between Mast sIgE and skin test as well as nasal provocation in perennial allergic rhinitis ( PAR ) .

  10. 血清过敏原检测及皮肤点刺试验阳性患儿的血清总IgE值高于检测阴性患儿的血清总IgE值。

    The level of total IgE in serum of children with positive result of skin prink test and serum allergen test were significantly higher than that of children with negative result .

  11. 为探讨CAP过敏原检测系统中Phadiatop检测和特异性IgE(sIgE)检测在小儿哮喘病因诊断中的应用价值,对54例哮喘患儿和47例支气管肺炎患儿及34例喘憋型肺炎患儿进行检测。

    To evaluate the roles of Phadiatop test and sIgE test for etiological diagnosis , 54 cases of the asthma , 47 cases of bronchopneumonia and 34 cases of the asthmatic pneumonia were investigated .

  12. 变态性疾病患者血清特异性过敏原检测

    The examination of serum specific allergen for patients with allergic disease

  13. 苏州城区支气管哮喘儿童特异性过敏原检测的意义

    Significance of Specific Allergen Detection in Children with Asthma in Suzhou City

  14. 变应性鼻炎主要过敏原检测的分析及研究

    The Analysis and Research of Allergic Rhinitis Main Allergen Detection

  15. 324例儿童血清特异性过敏原检测的临床意义

    Detection of specific allergen in serum of 324 children and its clinical significance

  16. 神经性皮炎患者61例吸入性和斑贴过敏原检测结果分析

    Analysis of Inhale Allergens and Patch Testing Allergens in 61 Cases of Neurodermatitis

  17. 460例慢性荨麻疹敏筛过敏原检测分析

    Analysis of allergens of 460 patients with chronic urticaria

  18. 荨麻疹病人过敏原检测

    Allergen detection in patients with urticaria

  19. 皮肤点刺试验与血清过敏原检测的尘螨过敏原检出率无差异。

    There was not statistically significant difference between the positive rate of skin prink test and serum allergen test .

  20. 本文综述当前用于食物中过敏原检测的常见方法和新兴检测技术,并探讨食物中过敏原检测方法的发展前景。

    In this paper , the commonly used technologies for the detection of allergen in food are reviewed briefly . Meanwhile , the future development is also discussed .

  21. 结论对咳嗽变异性哮喘患儿进行过敏原检测,可以找出诱发原因,为预防和免疫治疗提供依据。

    Conclusion The induce factor of anaphylactic cough-variant asthma could be found out by the detection of allergen , which providing the foundation for the prevention and immunotherapy of cough-variant asthma .

  22. 研究方法:采用欧盟印迹法过敏原检测技术对2562例莱芜地区变态反应性疾病患者血清过敏原进行检测。

    And provide the basis for prevention and desensitization therapy to these patients . Methods : Study on allergens in serum of 2562 patients who has allergic skin disease in Laiwu area with European Western blot allergen detection technology .

  23. 特异性IgG4用于食物过敏原的检测

    Clinical application of examination of specific IgG4 to food allergens

  24. 变应性鼻炎特异性IgE抗体的测定特异性IgG4用于食物过敏原的检测

    Determination of allergen-specific IgE antibody in the patients with nasal allergy Clinical application of examination of specific IgG4 to food allergens

  25. 慢性荨麻疹患者血清过敏原IVT检测

    In Vitro Serum Test for Chronic Urticaria

  26. 方法采用酶免疫法过敏原体外检测试剂盒,对288例荨麻疹患者和35例健康对照者血清中特异性IgE抗体进行测定。

    Methods The serum specific IgE antibodies to contact allergens were tested by EIA kit in the sera from 288 cases of urticaria and 35 healthy controls .

  27. 结论:血IVT过敏原体外检测为预测慢性副鼻窦炎、鼻息肉复发的重要指标之一。

    Conclusion : Plasma IVT allergen in vitro detection was an important index for the prediction of chronic paranasal sinusitis and nasal polyps .

  28. 目的:探讨血过敏原体外检测(invitrotest,IVT)与慢性副鼻窦炎,鼻息肉复发的关系。

    Objective : To discuss the relationship between plasma allergen detection in vitro test ( IVI ) and chronic paranasal sinusitis , nasal polyps ' recurrence .

  29. 方法:对10例正常人(对照组),46例慢性副鼻窦炎、鼻息肉病人分别进行血IVT过敏原体外检测、比较、随访。

    Methods : 10 normal patients were enrolled in control group , 46 patients with chronic paranasal sinusitis and nasal polyps were enrolled in a trial group . The plasma IVT allergen in both groups were detected in vitro , and then compared , followed up visit .

  30. 荨麻疹患者血清吸入性过敏原的检测

    Detecting on inspiratory allergen in serum of the patients with urticaria