
  1. 我国曾发生过由于扬沙及沙尘暴天气而导致电力系统的停电事故,国外也有因沙尘暴引起的外绝缘闪络报道。

    The power system tripped-out accidents caused by blowing sand or sandstorm have happened in China . There are some reports on the flashover of external insulation caused by the sandstorm at abroad .

  2. “枯草盐碱地,荒凉野兔愁”、“一夜风沙过、水渠变沙渠”就是过去南华镇的真实写照。

    " Withered grass and saline-alkali land make even the hare worry " and " One night of sandstorm turns water tunnel into tunnel of sand " are the true portrayal of Nanhua Town before .