
ɡuò dù ɡāo dù
  • transition altitude
  1. 过渡高度也表现出明显的纬度关系,在接近±20°的磁赤道地区,hT基本上不随纬度变化;但在大于±30°磁纬区域hT随纬度很快增加。

    The transition height shows a pronounced latitude dependence . In low latitudes near ± 20 °, transition heights are approximately independent of latitude , but above geomagnetic latitude ± 30 °, transition height increases rapidly with latitude .

  2. 太阳活动高年上电离层中O~+&H~+离子过渡高度的特征

    The height of o + - h + transition in the topside ionosphere at solar maximum

  3. 在逆温层向自由大气过渡的高度区域,O3浓度明显的梯度变化与风速垂直切变有关。

    In the transitional area from the boundary layer to the free atmosphere , the obvious ozone gradient is associated with the vertical shear of wind speed .

  4. 循环流化床过渡段高度的简化计算

    Calculation of the Length of Transition Section in Circulation Fluidized Beds

  5. 齿腰过渡曲线高度系数主要影响双渐开线齿轮的接触强度,特别是节点附近啮合时的接触强度,对节点附近啮合时的弯曲强度也有一定的影响。

    Tooth waist transition curve altitude coefficient influences chiefly contact strength of double involute gear , especially the contact strength when meshing at nodal point , and the coefficient also influences the bending strength when meshing at nodal point .

  6. 短路过渡电弧焊炬高度的燃弧占空比识别

    The Height of Torch Being Discerned with Arc-time Rate on Short Circuit Transfer Welding

  7. 马朝旭援引利比亚过渡委负责人的发言表示,过渡委高度重视中方的重要地位和作用,将切实遵守双方此前签署的各项条约和协议,并坚定奉行一个中国的政策。

    The NTC attaches great importance to China 's status and role , and will strictly abide by all existing treaties and agreements , and firmly adhere to the one-China policy , Ma said , citing a representative of the NTC leadership .