
  • 网络star tracker;star-tracking device
  1. CCD星体跟踪器作为舰船位置测量仪器,因其定位精度高、无位置积累误差、快速和智能化工作而受到重视。

    Using the CCD star tracker as the ships position measuring instrument is considered much for its high positioning accuracy . no position accumulated error , fast and intelligent work .

  2. 本文根据CCD星体跟踪器确定舰船位置的原理,介绍了一种用改进遗传算法来进行位置估算的新方法,仿真结果表明效果良好。

    The new algorithm for ships position estimation according to the principle of using CCD star tracker to locate the position of the ship by means of the improved genetic algorithm is presented in the paper . The simulation results show us the good effect .

  3. 在对各个GNC子系统作一概略描述之后,着重讨论GNC系统中的惯性量测元件(IMU)及其与星体跟踪器的组合,此外还论述了余度管理问题。

    After briefly describing GN C subsystems , the inertial measurement unit ( IMU ) of GN C system and its integration with star tracker ( ST ) are discussed . The redundancy management ( RM ) of IMU is also presented .

  4. 以星体跟踪器为基础,设计了一种天文找北系统。

    A celestial north-finder is designed based on a stellar tracker .

  5. 天文-惯性组合式导航系统及星体跟踪器研制

    Development of an astro-inertial hybrid navigation system and a star tracker

  6. 大视场星体跟踪器主要关键技术研究

    Study on key technologies of wide FOV star tracker

  7. 讨论了星体跟踪器对平台误差角的观测过程;

    The measurement process of stellar-tracker to the platform 's error angles was discussed ;

  8. 基于星体跟踪器的天文找北系统

    Celestial North-finder Based on Stellar Tracker

  9. 导出了星体跟踪器的测量输出与平台误差角之间的数学方程。

    The relationship between the output of stellar-tracker and the error angles of inertial guidance platform was deduced .

  10. 本文总结了国内第一台自行设计的自动星体跟踪器的研究设计方法和解决主要技术关键的措施,列出了有关公式。

    This paper summarized the procedure in research and development of an automatic star tracker designed by authors and the measures to solve the principal technical key problems , and also presents all related formulae .