
xīnɡ shí
  • occultation
  1. 并建立了卫星的总体与子系统的数学模型,以及电弧推力器(Arcjet)模型、功率模型、质量模型、环境模型和星蚀期模型;

    At the same time , the mathematical models of satellite plateform , propulsion subsystems , Arcjet thruster , power , mass , environment and eclipse period have been built .

  2. 正如所述,从现在到2011年中期新的星蚀将会重点影响巨蟹和摩羯。

    As said , the new eclipses will emphasize Cancer and Capricorn from now until mid-2011 .

  3. 日凌和星蚀现象预报方法及对试验任务的影响分析

    Forecasting Method of the Sun Transit Outage and the Eclipse Phenomena and Their Impact on the Mission

  4. 在整个星蚀季节每天通常有这样0-3个小时的停机。

    There is typically a 0-3 hour outage of imagery each day as GOES progresses through eclipse season .

  5. 星蚀卫星的轨道外推精度明显低于一般卫星;

    Star track the precision of orbit prediction of eclipsing satellites is much lower than the common satellites ;

  6. 下月以后,再有9年都不会有星蚀出现在你的星座了。

    After next month , there will be no more eclipses in your sign for the coming nine years .

  7. 这每九年会发生一次,每当星蚀走回到魔羯或巨蟹时。

    This happens whenever the eclipses travel back to Capricorn and Cancer , which happens once every nine years .

  8. 本月的星蚀将会是温和而令人鼓舞的,所以你会乐于本月的所见所闻的。

    This month 's eclipses will be gentle and encouraging , so you 'll like what you see and hear .

  9. 预测该涂层在轨道上由光照区进入星蚀区也不会出现明显充电现象。

    It is expected that the charging phenomenon on the paint surface does not appear in orbit when the spacecraft goes into eclipse from sunshine .

  10. 在“星蚀”季节期间日子里由于太阳光被地球阴影遮挡使太阳能电池阵列不能提供能量。

    Each day during the " satellite eclipse " season the sun is blocked by the earth and sunlight is not available to the goes solar array .

  11. 这是非常有趣的,应为占星家都知道星蚀预示翻天覆地的变化,而且它带来的这些改变通常是猝不及防的,出乎意料的。

    This all is very interesting because astrologers know eclipses are the harbingers of massive change , and the shifts they bring are usually sudden and unexpected .

  12. 那次星蚀将是这一长串星蚀的最后一次了,它们已经在狮子座和水瓶座每六个月到来一次长达两年了。

    That eclipse will be the last in a long series of eclipses that have come by every six months in Leo and Aquarius for two years .