
  1. 根据星座运势,珍今天会坠入爱河。

    Jane 's horoscope says she will fall in love today .

  2. 一款查看每日星座运势的小工具。

    Daily Horoscope is a useful small tool to check your astrology everyday .

  3. “那巨人结果新浪星座运势是一个侏儒”。

    The giant turned out to be a dwarf .

  4. 星座运势--2016年6月7号这周

    Your Horoscopes - Week Of June 7 , 2016

  5. 星座运势--2016年6月14这周

    Your Horoscopes - Week Of June 14 , 2016

  6. 星座运势——2016年6月21这周

    Your Horoscopes - Week Of June 21 , 2016

  7. 星座运势——2016年6月28这周

    Your Horoscopes - Week Of June 28 , 2016

  8. 金牛座每日星座运势——7.17

    Taurus : Your daily horoscope - July 17

  9. 每日星座运势——7.10巨蟹座:

    Your Daily Horoscope - July 10 Cancer :

  10. 没有,我在读星座运势。

    No ! I was reading my horoscope .

  11. 我的星座运势会每天给我提醒,帮助我避免犯错。

    The horoscope for my sign each day gives me warnings and helps me avoid mistakes .

  12. 我不得不承认,星座运势这东西真的引起我的兴趣了,我回家仔细研究了一番。

    I have to admit , this horoscope stuff really caught my attention . I went home and did my own research about it .

  13. 如果你依然对此持怀疑态度,请连续几天阅读报纸上12个星座的每日星座运势,你会发现其他星座的预测就像你自己星座的预测一样,与你的情况相符。

    If you still doubt this , read all 12 of the daily horoscopes in the newspaper for several days . You will find that the predictions of the other signs will fit you as well as your own .

  14. 好了,我们说完了,一共12个星座,现在你就可以像我一样每天看星座运势了。

    Well , we did it . All twelve zodiac signs ! Now you can read your horoscope everyday like me .