
  • Roast;ridicule;vent;Vomit slot;Tsukkomi
  1. 5.TheEmotionalExpresser情绪化吐槽狂情绪化吐槽狂超喜欢表达自己的情绪,但是却从来不会以一种积极的方式表达。

    The emotional expresser loves talking about feelings , but they never do this in a constructive4 way .

  2. 任何一位老师都会担心学生上Facebook是八卦吐槽,而不是从朋友圈子里了解到有用的信息,这种担心合情合理。

    Anyone teaching a class would reasonably worry that students using Facebook were gossiping rather than learning useful information from their network of friends .

  3. “QueensofSass”则是一个对生活诚实吐槽的主页。

    Queens of Sass is another account that gives an extremely honest take on life .

  4. 中国几千万社交媒体用户迅速进入吐槽状态:有网友表示,iPhone虽然可能是在中国组装的,但是它们很少在这儿先开卖。

    China 's tens of millions of social media users are quick to mock : iPhones may be built in China , but rarely are they sold here first .

  5. 然而,很少有人预测到苹果在周三iPhone7发布会上引发的那种负面反应,批评者纷纷在Twitter上吐槽。

    Few , however , predicted quite the kind of negative reaction that Apple provoked during Wednesday 's iPhone 7 launch event , with critics taking to Twitter en masse .

  6. 一开始顾客们吐槽他们新买的苹果iPhone6可以掰弯,现在,这种新款苹果手机的主人又说,当他们打电话的时候——这款手机会撤掉脸上的毛发。

    First customers complained that their new iPhone 6s were bending.Now owners of the new Apple gadget have said when they make a phone call - it is ripping out their hair 。

  7. 愤怒的观众们纷纷吐槽。一位Twitter用户称,节目组“当时本可以告知”这一情况,另一位则表示,这是“欺骗之举”。

    And angry viewers vented . One user Twitter user said it " could have been announced at the time , " while another called it " a deceptive thing to do . "

  8. 很多死忠粉大部分时间都在Reddit上吐槽制作人斯科特·金普尔(ScottGimple)。

    And a lot of diehards spent most of their time complaining about showrunner Scott Gimple on Reddit .

  9. 如果你在Tumblr搜索微积分的标签,没错,你会看到很多人在吐槽微积分,

    Follow the calculus tag on Tumblr , and yes , you will see people complaining about calculus ,

  10. 有些果粉很欣赏iOS7的现代化设计,而其他人却对这一新界面吐槽不断,甚至有人还说操作新界面感到很恶心。

    Some iPhone people appreciated the modern design . Others complained of the new look , and some even reported that the design gave them motion sickness .

  11. 居然就是被Ashleigh吐槽过很多遍的“eccentric——古怪的。”她说可能是因为当时Gatsby总是带她姐姐去做一些古怪的事情。

    She says to Gatsby , " I don 't know , maybe it 's because you took her to do oddball things . "

  12. 这让我们不由想起九月份,杰夫•贝佐斯吐槽苹果时的一句话:亚马逊(Amazon)希望在人们使用其产品时赚钱,而不是在人们购买其产品时赚钱。

    The comment called to mind how Jeff Bezos taunted apple in September by saying that Amazon ( AMZN ) wants to make money when people use their products , not when they buy them .

  13. 埃米•珀勒(AmyPoehler)狂吻博诺(Bono),蒂娜•费(TinaFey)吐槽乔治•克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)只爱年轻女人,而诡异的是马特•戴蒙(MattDamon)当晚数次“中枪”。

    Amy Poehler made out with Bono , Tina Fey mocked George Clooney 's taste in women and Matt Damon emerged , bizarrely , as the night 's recurring gag .

  14. 后来有人透露,“吐槽”只是一个恶作剧,因为他们俩是即将推出的体育谈话节目“YouTube频道”的一部分,该频道名为“OutofBounds”。

    It was later revealed that the " beef " was a bit hoax , as the two of them were part of a forthcoming sports talk show Complex ' YouTube channel , called " Out of Bounds . "

  15. 很多人也吐槽他们的前卫发型简直就是大卫·鲍威在专辑ZiggyStardust塑造的外星人摇滚巨星穿上了糟糕的欧洲流行乐服饰。

    Many also have a go at their outrageously avant-garde hairstyles and David Bowie circa Ziggy Stardust meets awful Euro-pop dress sense .

  16. 在丈夫成为总统以后,MelaniaTrump在接受的屈指可数的几个采访里吐槽了新闻媒体。

    Republican National Convention . Melania Trump has complained about media coverage in the handful of interviews she 's given since her husband took office .

  17. 2017年,阿里纳斯似乎又冒了出来,据称当时他与华盛顿特区著名体育迷米娅·哈利法(MiaKhalifa)在社交媒体上发起了一场“吐槽大战”。

    Arenas seemed to pop up out of nowhere again in 2017 , when he allegedly started a social media " beef " with noted Washington , D.C. sports fan Mia Khalifa .

  18. 在与FT共进午餐(见以下采访全文)中,他吐槽莫斯科做得太过,采取了完全没有必要、代价高昂并且损害个人和集体权利的行事方式,并说他依然对美国怀有最大的忠诚。

    In a Lunch with the FT - carried below - he complained Moscow had gone very far , in ways that are completely unnecessary , costly and corrosive to individual and collective rights and added that his greatest loyalty was still to the US .

  19. 和张青一样,许多网民纷纷吐槽这些经典翻拍。

    Like Zhang , many Internet users lamented the remakes .

  20. 会计莎莉喜欢在喝咖啡的时候吐槽工作。

    Sally in accounting likes commiserating about work over coffee .

  21. 她吐槽表示近些年很难再发现候鸟了。

    She complained she could hardly spot migratory birds in recent years .

  22. 但也有些人开始就此吐槽科比:

    Some people also started making fun of Kobe :

  23. “Someecards”这一账号是用复古风的卡通图片搭配幽默吐槽。

    Someecards uses vintage-style cartoons to illustrate its humorous take on the world .

  24. 吐槽比赛场馆或运动员的低劣笑话可能走不远。

    And mean jokes about the venue or the athletes probably won 't fly .

  25. 这可以理解,但要注意你吐槽的频率。

    That 's acceptable , but pay attention to how often you 're venting .

  26. 你所有的吐槽都会使你看起来像个难以管理的人。

    All this does is make you seem like somebody who is difficult to manage .

  27. 重庆的这条新人行道在中国的微博上引发了大家的各种吐槽。

    Chongqing 's new sidewalk attracted ridicule on Weibo , China 's version of Twitter .

  28. 一位文化评论家吐槽说这种风潮让年轻女孩的声音听起来像“鸭子嘎嘎叫”。

    One cultural critic complained that it made young women sound like ' ducks quacking . "

  29. 此剧吸引观众的魔力或许正来自于陈晓云所说的“吐槽心理学”。

    The show 's allure might come from what Chen Xiaoyun calls " satirical psychology . "

  30. 几乎大部分评论都在吐槽他们的雷人造型,还有一些人直接把他们当做网络炒作而无视。

    Most commenters are branding their music quasi-revolting while others dismiss it as mere Internet trolling .