
Méi Lán fāng
  • Mei Lanfang;leading opera star
梅兰芳 [méi lán fāng]
  • [Mei Lanfang] (1894-1961) 京剧表演艺术家。名澜,字畹华,原籍江苏泰州,生于北京。出身京剧世家,8岁学戏,11岁登台。在长期的舞台实践中,对唱腔、念白、舞蹈、音乐、服装、化妆各方面都不断有所创造发展,形成独特的艺术风格,世称梅派,影响很大。论著编有《梅兰芳文集》,常演剧目编有《梅兰芳演出剧目选集》,另有自述传记《舞台生活40年》

  1. 他有幸为梅兰芳配过戏。

    He had the honour of playing a supporting role opposite Mei lanfang .

  2. 梅兰芳的台步非常优美。

    Mei lanfang 's stage walk was very graceful .

  3. 梅兰芳是最伟大的表演者之一。

    Mei Lanfang is one of the greatest performers .

  4. 梅兰芳是有史以来最著名的京剧演员之一,他是第一个向外国人介绍京剧的人,并在国外进行了非常成功的巡回演出。

    Mer Lanfang , one of the most famous performers of all time , was the first to introduce Beijing Opera to foreigners and made highly successful tours to foreign countries .

  5. 《北京日报》(BeijingDaily)报道称,最著名的京剧院之一梅兰芳大剧院,以往每年演出200场,今年前4个月才演了十几场。

    The Mei Lanfang Theatre , one of the most famous venues for Beijing opera , had barely more than 10 shows in the first four months of this year , compared with 200 annually in previous years , according to Beijing Daily .

  6. 中国戏曲导演学在近代的发展初探&谈齐如山与梅兰芳

    A Study on the Development of Directing of Modern Chinese Operas

  7. 这是中国戏剧史上的第一次对外国际交流,比起1919年梅兰芳第一次率团访日演出还要早五年。

    It is the first international exchange in Chinese drama history .

  8. 梅兰芳是我国著名京剧表演艺术家。

    Mei Lanfang is a famous performing artist of Beijing opera .

  9. 当中最知名的就是梅兰芳。

    The best known of these was Mei Lanfang .

  10. 梅兰芳的媒体形象&从北平期刊的视角(1928-1937)

    Mei Lan-fang s Media Image-From the Perspective of Peking Series ( 1928-1937 );

  11. 她师傅的师傅是梅兰芳。

    Her teacher 's teacher is Mei Lanfang .

  12. ‘移步’而不‘换形’&论京剧改革的梅兰芳模式

    Stepping but not Transfiguring & On Mei Lanfang 's Pattern of Beijing Opera reformation

  13. 梅兰芳是一个绝世的艺术家,但他同时也是一个孤寂的凡人。

    Mei is a peerless artist , but he is also a lonely mortals .

  14. 在世界上最出名的京剧演员梅兰芳从20年代起就开始拍电影了。

    Mei lanfang , the most internationally famous Chinese actor , began making films in1920 .

  15. 由《贵妃醉酒》来看梅兰芳表演艺术的美学特征

    From " the Drunken Royal " Look at the Aesthetic Characteristics of Mei Lanfang Performing Arts

  16. 布莱希特与梅兰芳

    Bertold Brecht and Mei Langfang

  17. 其中,梅兰芳被公认为是中国表演艺术的代表。

    Among them , Mei Lanfang is acknowledged to be the symbol of China 's performing art .

  18. 梅兰芳自己就尝试过用部分真实的手法将当代题材的剧目搬上舞台。

    Mei Lanfang himself experimented with . plays on contemporary themes presented in a partially realistic way .

  19. 梅兰芳早在许多年前就已过世,但他在中国家喻户晓。

    Mei Lan Fang has been dead for many years but he remains a household name in China .

  20. 打造中国的京剧剧场:梅兰芳大剧院创作随笔之一

    To Create the Chinese Theater for Beijing Opera : Essay One for Creation of Mei Lanfang Grand Theater

  21. 如梅兰芳等京剧四大名旦在各自的剧目中都创造了优美的舞蹈片段并得以广泛流传。

    Four famous male characters of Peking Opera included Mei Lanfang all created beautiful dance segments worth spreading .

  22. 话剧思维渗透下的传统演剧革新之路&从梅兰芳、周信芳谈起

    The Reformation of Chinese Opera under the Influence of Drama & From The Practice of Mei Lan-fang and Zhou Xin-fang

  23. 黎明出演梅兰芳,章子怡出演孟小冬。孟小冬是1920年代另一位著名的京剧演员。

    Leon Lai plays Mei Lan Fang , while Zhang Ziyi plays Meng Xiaodong , another famous opera performer of the1920s .

  24. 20世纪20年代,鲁迅多次撰文对梅兰芳及中国传统戏曲进行批评与质疑。

    In 1920 's , LuXun wrote many articles to show his criticism and query to Mei Lanfang and the Chinese traditional opera .

  25. 为了拍制这部短片,陈凯歌暂时将《梅兰芳》搁置一旁,这是一部有关京剧大师梅兰芳传记片。

    Chen halted post-production work on " Mei Lanfang ," a biopic of the late Peking opera master , to shoot the film .

  26. 梅兰芳、程砚秋、尚小云和荀慧生被合称为京剧四大名旦。

    Mei Lanfang , Cheng Yanqiu , Shang Xiaoyun , and Xun Huisheng are recognized as the four greatest artists of Beijing Opera .

  27. 在那时候,我巧遇了一位很仰慕京剧大师梅兰芳的年轻护士;至今,我俩夫妻已共度了超过六十个寒暑。

    My wife to whom I have been married now for more than sixty years was a great admirer of the late Mei Lang Fang .

  28. 本文论述了布莱希特与梅兰芳两位现实主义大师,运用的戏剧手段却各有巧妙不同。

    This article discusses that Brecht and Mei Lanfang are two great masters of realism , yet each has his own ways and methods of expression .

  29. 梅兰芳恰如其分的舞台表演,将虞姬这个角色演绎的优美动人,使其成为中国戏剧舞台上最有魅力的人物之一。

    Mei 's talent as a performer is completely displayed in this masterpiece , making Yuji one of the most attractive characters on the Chinese opera stage .

  30. 他出生于19世纪晚期,作为一个表演者,梅兰芳是第一位将他的京剧艺术传播到全世界并赢得国际赞誉的京剧艺术家。

    Born in the late19th century he earned international acclaim as a performer and was the first Peking Opera artist to popularize the art around the globe .