
  1. 敌对两党之盛衰给两幅最优秀的漫画提供了题材。

    The ups and downs of the rival parties furnished subjects for two excellent cartoons .

  2. 这是我所见到的最生动的漫画之一。

    This is one of the most vivid cartoons I have ever seen .

  3. 多啦A梦是日本最流行的漫画系列之一,也已在大部分亚洲国家众所周知,自1969年首次出版以来。

    Doraemon is the main character in one of Japan 's most popular comic series , which has also become widely known in much of Asia since its book debut in1969 .

  4. 发型是叶太最常被讽刺漫画讽刺的对象。

    It is Ip 's hair that is most frequently caricatured .

  5. 漫画迷都很清楚,最受欢迎的漫画本是超级英雄首度面世的那本。

    Comic-book fans know well that the most sought after editions are those in which a superhero appears for the first time .

  6. 在这部全球最畅销的连载漫画中,作者岸本齐史为我们描绘了一个神秘莫测的忍者世界,每个人都性格迥异,深不可测。。

    In this global best-selling manga series , Masashi Kishimoto draws out a mysterious world of ninjas with unprecedented abilities and unique personalities .

  7. 只有麻将的狂热爱好者能理解两周一出的漫画系列“近代麻将”,它包含了世界上一些最具娱乐性的和最荒谬的连环漫画。

    Only mahjong aficionados are able to understand the bi-weekly manga serial " Kindai-Mahjong ," which has some of the most entertaining and ridiculous comics in the world .

  8. 超人是最早出现的,但沙赞——最早由福西特漫画公司发行——仅比超人出场晚了一年,并且在某一时期销量比超人还好。

    Superman was the first , but Shazam - originally published by Fawcett Comics - came out only a year later , and was at one point actually outselling the original superhero .