
  • 网络The happiest thing;The most happy thing
  1. 每天跟你在一起,是我最幸福的事。

    It 's the happiest thing to be with you everyday .

  2. 人生中最幸福的事之一就是跟你相爱的人走到最后。

    One of the happiest thing in lives is that your loves have happy ending .

  3. 跟你生活一辈子,是我一生最幸福的事。

    Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life .

  4. 人生中最幸福的事,不是与你一起慢慢变老。

    In the life , the happiest matter is not ages slowly together with you .

  5. 哦,你会发现,这是全家人最幸福的事了。

    Oh , you 'll see , this is the best thing for the entire family .

  6. 个人签名每天跟你道句早安,是这个世界上最幸福的事。

    With you every day , is the way words of good morning the happiest thing in the world .

  7. 我真的不想加班熬夜,现在最幸福的事是睡觉!

    I really don 't want to work overtime to stay up late , now the happiest thing is sleeping !

  8. 我所知的最幸福的事,就是能整日与你在一起,没有打扰,没有终局。

    I know of no greater happiness than to be with you all the time , without interruption , without end .

  9. 女人一辈子最幸福的事,莫过于,无论有多少美女,他的眼神,永远在你身上。

    The happiness of a woman 's life is , no matter how much beauty , his eyes , always on you .

  10. 和黑猩猩一起用餐,和小男孩一起睡觉&“最幸福的事”。

    He shared his meals with a chimpanzee and his bed with young boys ," the most loving thing to do " .

  11. 拥有一个真正的朋友,是最幸福的事。然而也是我们最容易忽略的。

    A true friend is the greatest of all blessings , and the one that we take the least care of all to acquire .

  12. 对她来说最幸福的事,她说,是现在她能给她的父母1万多元一年了。

    The happiest thing for her , she said , is that she can give her parents more than 10,000 yuan a year now .

  13. 和你在一起是我最幸福的事,牵着你那无骨鸡柳般柔软的手,我就感到百事可乐。

    And with you I am most happy thing , boneless chicken breast strips , holding it like you have soft hands , I felt Pepsi .

  14. 女性认为最幸福的事是:家人健康、家庭和睦、孩子有进步;

    The most important factors affecting women 's happiness are their family 's health , family harmony , and the progress of their children 's studies .

  15. 你们仍旧不会知道这对你们意味着什么,它会比蜂蜜还甜,会是你们最幸福的事。

    You still have no idea what this will mean for yourselves , SO GET GOING UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN , it will be sweeter than honey and the happiest you have ever been .