
  1. 你转过拐角后第一眼就会看到它,不会错过的。

    It 's the first thing you see as you come round the corner . You can 't miss it

  2. 赶到前门时,我第一眼看到的就是被大火吞没的教堂。

    The first sight that met my eyes on reaching the front door was the church enveloped in flames .

  3. 第一眼看到亚马逊的logo会觉得它简单得不能再简单了。

    The Amazon logo looks fairly simple at first glance .

  4. 结果术后第一眼位正位者45例,V征消失或缓解者43例,双眼视恢复者17例。

    Results After surgery , orthophoria of the primary eye position was 45 cases , disapperance of V-pattern was 43 cases , 17 cases had obtained binocular vision .

  5. 因为用户会以“F”形视线浏览网站,一些设计者将最廉价的商品放在列表左侧,以使用户第一眼就能看到。

    Because users scan websites in an F-shape , some designers put the cheapest offer on the left side of the table , so that users see it first .

  6. 双眼白内障第一眼超声乳化手术前后生存质量变化的Meta分析

    Changes of the quality of life before and after phacoemulsification of first eye in patients with cataract : a Meta analysis

  7. 前往广岛和平纪念资料馆(HiroshimaPeaceMemorialMuseum),你第一眼看到的就是高耸的烟云图像,从地面直到天花板。

    The first thing a visitor sees at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is a large blowup of the towering cloud . It stretches floor to ceiling .

  8. 结果术后第一眼位正位(≤10Δ),V型斜视矫正,下斜肌功能过强明显改善,随访3~20月效果稳定。

    The results show that all cases attain normal ocular alignment in primary position ( < 10 ), their v-pattern deviation is corrected and overaction of inferior oblique muscle is improved very much .

  9. 当不同角色的人参与到GQM时,他们的目标和问题第一眼看上去可能是不相关的。

    When people with differing roles participate in GQM , their goals and questions may at first seem largely unrelated .

  10. 第一眼看上去时,会觉得上面提到的插件实施起来不可能,因为我们不能评价模型层次上的OCL约束。

    The implementation of the mentioned plug-in seems impossible at first look , because we can 't evaluate OCL constraints on a model level .

  11. “我见到Justin的第一眼,就发现者孩子有股只有明星才有的自信范。”美国R&B歌手亚瑟小子向时代周刊这样介绍他的朋友JustinBieber。

    " From the minute I met Justin , I knew this kid possessed a certain confidence that only a star could have ," Usher told Time of his friend and pop prot é g é, Bieber .

  12. 第一眼看到EJB的新模型感觉很不错。在这篇文章中我们将讨论EJB3.0如何使用一个更小而精致的装配来吸引开发者的。

    At the first glimpse the new model for EJB looks pretty and in this article we will discuss how EJB3.0 is trying to dress up in a smaller size pretty outfit to make it appealing for developers .

  13. 第一眼看上去,十岁的埃丝特·奥卡德好像和同龄孩子没什么不一样。

    At first glance Esther Okade seems like a normal 10-year-old .

  14. 你总是根据第一眼看到的出手。

    You pick your shots based on what you see first .

  15. 那些不会在遇见第一眼就许下承诺的人。

    Those persons who will not make decision by first sight .

  16. 情况并不像第一眼看上去那么糟糕。

    The picture is not quite as ugly as first appears .

  17. 第一眼看到他时,我几乎晕过去了。

    I almost fainted when I saw him the first time !

  18. 从我第一眼看到某人起就知道。

    I knew it the second I laid eyes on sb .

  19. 我们第一眼看到这辆车就喜欢上了它。

    We fell in love with the car at first sight .

  20. 看到她的第一眼我就下定了决心。

    The moment I saw her I knew what I wanted .

  21. 第一眼看到你我就印象深刻

    I had you pegged the first time I saw you .

  22. 他看她的第一眼就爱上了她。

    He fell in love with her at first sight .

  23. 看到马丘比丘的第一眼,就会让人觉得这里不可思议。

    The first sight of Machu Picchu is almost magical .

  24. 但从我看见你的第一眼起,我就喜欢你了。

    But maybe it 's been there since I first knew you .

  25. 第一眼看上去,这座图书馆好像一艘宇宙飞船。

    At first glance , it looks like a spaceship .

  26. 第一眼是不像,但是给我些时间!

    Not at first sight , but give me time !

  27. 我第一眼就认出了这件夹克,它是我哥哥的。

    I identified the jacket at once ; it was my brother 's.

  28. -哦,很不错-是的,不过第一眼她不招人喜欢

    Nice . Yeah , you wouldn 't like her at first .

  29. 第一眼他就决定要买这一幅画。

    He decided he wanted to buy the painting at first sight .

  30. 如同例行公事一样,我第一眼便向卡伦家的桌子看去。

    As was my routine , I glanced first toward the Cullens'table .