
zǐ méi gui
  • purple rugose rose
  1. 开罗的紫玫瑰(美国影片)

    Purple Rose of Cairo ( 1985 )

  2. 但是你知道吗,紫玫瑰代表一见钟情。

    But do you know that purple roses stand for enchantment and love at first sight .

  3. 紫玫瑰:感情增强和加深、富裕、高贵和崇拜,“我会永远爱你!”

    Purple roses : enhancement , magnification , opulence , majesty and glory ," I will always love you !"

  4. 当我昨天回家,看到花园里的紫玫瑰依然盛放,真有说不出的高兴。

    When I came here yesterday and my purple roses were still blooming it just made me so happy .

  5. 从南美空运来港的紫玫瑰,颜色独特罕见,配上清雅的蕙兰或荷兰绣球花,高贵脱俗,最能衬托女性温柔婉约的气质。

    The purple rose from South America is a rare breed that reflects female grace and tenderness when combined with elegant and refined boat orchids or Dutch hydrangea .

  6. 重瓣紫到玫瑰色花。绿色和白色组合的斑叶。标准悬垂型。

    Double lavender-rose . Variegated green and white . Standard trailer .

  7. 紫枝玫瑰的生物特性与组织培养研究

    Study on Biological Characteristics and Tissue Culture in Vitro of Rosa rugosa ' Purple Branch '

  8. 新品种丰花玫瑰与紫枝玫瑰出油率及成分的探讨

    The Study on Oil Yield and Components of Two New Varieties Rosa rugosa of " Feng Hua " and " Zi Zhi "

  9. 因此紫枝玫瑰活体香气的最佳嗅闻时期为五月份,以全开期花朵为主。

    Therefore , the best time for smelling natural aroma of ' Purple branch ' was May , mainly based on full open flowers .

  10. 紫丁香色或玫瑰红色的一种带有毛边的欧亚多年生石竹。

    Eurasian perennial pink having fragrant lilac or rose flowers with deeply fringed margins .

  11. 红外/紫外双色玫瑰扫描导引系统建模及数字仿真

    Model Establishment and Digital Simulation Research of IR / UV Dual-color Rosette-scan Homing System