
  • 网络Cantabile;andante cantabile
  1. 属于典型古典主义演奏风格的肯普夫追求严谨的演奏态度,他的音乐非常规整,情感细腻,织体清晰明朗,亲切高贵,音色温暖如歌。

    Is a typical classical playing style of play Kempff pursue rigorous attitude , his music is very structured , emotionally delicate texture clear and bright , kind and noble , warm timbre Cantabile .

  2. 时光如水,生命如歌。

    As time , life Cantabile .

  3. 蕨冈山狄兰·托马斯(DylanThomas)杨牧/译那时我年轻愚呆苹果树下无忧无虑枝枒环绕如歌的房屋我快乐和草一般绿,幽谷上方有的是满天星斗,时间容许我欢呼且攀爬在他眼神极盛的金光灿烂下,

    FERN HILL Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green , The night above the dingle starry , Time let me hail and climb Golden in the heydays of his eyes ,

  4. 只要跟着你的心,结局就如歌般美好。

    If you follow your heart , then end with a song .

  5. 青春如歌,悠扬而富有韵律,广阔而不失深邃。

    Youth is a song melodious and rhythmic , meaningful and profound .

  6. 这是一个充满了罗曼蒂克渴求的如歌旋律,标记是安静的有表情的。

    Marked tranquillo and expressive is a songful tune filled with romantic longing .

  7. 典藏如歌的岁月

    The Song of The Years

  8. 吹奏时慢板部分徐缓如歌,优美动人,要充满情感色彩。

    When playing some slow Adagio Cantabile , beautiful and moving , full of emotion to color .

  9. 如歌的成长岁月&谈池莉的《怀念声名狼藉的日子》

    Years gone by like songs & On " In memory of the notorious days " by Chi Li ;

  10. 夜曲则是肖邦最具代表性并独具风格的音乐体裁之一,而且以其富于诗意、优美如歌的旋律著称于世。

    Although Nocturne , one of the most representative music genres , is well-known for its beautiful melody full of poetic flavor .

  11. 广佛大地,南海气魄如歌;谋篇布局,南海承东启西;

    Guangfo the earth , the South China Sea boldness Cantabile ; Moupian layout , the South China Sea east and west ;

  12. 情与景、形与神的交融,体现出如诗如歌般的意境,包蕴了中国服饰艺术的精华。

    The combination of emotion and scenery and that of form and spirit together bring about a poetic vision of the essence of Chinese clothing art .

  13. 深情如歌的旋律正如人们心潮澎湃的情怀,诉说着人民对红旗至深的爱。

    The melody with deep feeling is like the mood in the people 's surging thoughts and emotions and tells the people 's love for the red flag .

  14. 夜曲是旋律如歌、富于诗意的抒情特性曲,类似无词歌,但内容较为深沉,常含有忧郁的情绪。

    Such as song , melody nocturne was pure poetry lyrical characteristic song , similar songs without words , but which are deep , often contain blue mood .

  15. 当生活如歌一般美好顺畅,要过得快乐舒适是很容易的,但真正伟大的人在一切都不顺利的时候仍然微笑。

    It 's easy to be pleasant and happy when life flows by like a song , but a really great person is one who can smile when everything is going wrong .

  16. 小说作者将这部作品设置在一个充满幻想的第二世界之中,用简单幽默又如歌如画的语言向儿童讲述了一个奇妙又充满温情的成长故事。

    This novel is set in an imaginary " secondary world " . It tells a magic and sweet initiation story to children readers in simple , humorous , picturesque and musical language .

  17. 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。

    It becomes small as one song , as one kiss of the eternal .

  18. 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的吻。

    It becomes small as one song , as one kiss of the

  19. 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒地接吻。

    It becomes small as one song as one kiss of the eternal .

  20. 如水的歌&关于阎连科《坚硬如水》

    A song like water : Yan Lian-ke s novel Hard as Water ;

  21. 简直如诗如画,如诉如歌,太神秘浪漫了。

    It was so mysterious and romantic like poetry , a picture , a song .

  22. 当然也有方式让我们不会疲倦于英语学习,如听英文歌及看英文电影。

    But there are some methods that English learners can never get tired of using , like listening to English songs and watching English movies .

  23. 布依族酒文化表现形式丰富,如有迎客歌、敬酒歌、婚庆歌、节庆歌等。

    Besides , wine culture of Buyi nationality also manifest in wine songs including reception song , toasting song , wedding song , and festival song etc.

  24. 然而,正当我们开始如科恩的歌中所唱:“在我们曾经嬉戏的地方受苦”,我们也想关注当下。

    And yet , as we start to " ache in the places where [ we ] used to play , " as one of Mr. Cohen 's songs puts it , we want to focus on the present .

  25. 好像还很遥远,但吉姆。莱恩说岁月如水时光如歌。

    It seems like such a long time away , but Jim Ryan has said to me that a career goes so fast .