
  • 网络Stage 4;Phase IV;Stage;Stage Four
  1. 这就是第四阶段睡眠。

    This is stage 4 sleep .

  2. 第四阶段(1979-1991年),是计划生育的开拓与发展时期。

    Stage 4 ( 1979-1991 ) is the period when family planning was further exploited and developed .

  3. 第四阶段是2000年-至今,进入新世纪,中国加入WTO后,促使中国影视进入产业时代。

    The last stage is from 2000 to present . After we entered into a new century and join the WTO , it promoted Chinese film into industry era .

  4. 第四阶段:移植嵌入式WEB服务器,设计网页模板,设计用户验证、参数设置和图像采集与显示等CGI程序。

    The fourth stage : the embedded WEB server transplantation , design of web template , design of CGI program for user authentication , parameter setting and image acquisition and display .

  5. 正常睡眠可划分为五个不同部分,从第一阶段到第四阶段,加上REM。每一个阶段都有许多人们未知的知识。

    Normal sleep is broken into five distinct parts - Stages 1 through 4 , plus REM , an acronym for rapid eye movement . Much remains unknown about each of the five sleep stages .

  6. 但据中国环境保护部的数据,中国仅有5.7%的车辆符合最严格的国家第四阶段机动车污染物排放标准(国IV标准),该标准对包括温室气体和微小颗粒物PM2.5在内的废气排放做出了限制。

    But according to China 's Ministry of Environmental Protection , only 5.7 % of China 's vehicles meet the country 's highest national Grade IV standards that limit toxic emissions from vehicles including greenhouse gas and tiny particulate matter known as PM2.5 .

  7. 第四阶段以常绿栎类为主的常绿阔叶林,反映气候热暖潮湿(相当于大西洋期,Q24);

    Evergreen broad-leave forest mainly composed of Quercus ( evergreen ) indicating hot and wet climate ( Q 2 4 , Atlantic period );

  8. 在REM睡眠阶段,你的肢体会很快再度放松,呼吸也再次放慢并变得有节奏,你会轻松地从第一阶段滑入第四阶段睡眠-直到大约80分钟后重新接近清醒状态。

    It is during REM sleep period , your body will soon relax again , your breathing will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep ---- only to rise once again to the surface of near consciousness some 80 minutes later .

  9. 在REM睡眠阶段,你的肢体会很快再度放松,呼吸也再次放慢并变得有节奏,你会轻松地从第一阶段滑入第四阶段睡眠——直到大约80分钟后重新接近清醒状态。

    It is during REM sleep period , your body will soon relax again , your breathing will grow slow and regular once more , and you will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep - only to rise once again to the surface of near consciousness some 80 minutes later .

  10. 对航空火控发展第四阶段的看法

    Ideas about the fourth development stage of airborne fire control system

  11. 第四阶段,地区经济结构及其产品结构进一步发展阶段。

    Fourth , the stage that economic structure further develop ?

  12. 随之而来的是第四阶段间歇性中邪……

    That was followed by stage four -- a rush of epiphanies ...

  13. 第四阶段(1999-现在),是飞跃阶段。

    The fourth stage ( 1999-today ), it is a leap stage .

  14. 第四阶段综合题的训练。

    In the fourth stage , practise synthetically problems .

  15. 普遍定期审议第四阶段会议一周前召开。

    The fourth session of the Universal Periodic Review was opened one week ago .

  16. 第四阶段是残留有机物的分解反应。

    The organic species produced on the acid sites decomposed in the fourth step .

  17. 她现在过渡到了第四阶段。

    She 's transitioning to stage four .

  18. 爱情的第四阶段:亲密

    The Fourth Stage of Love : Intimacy

  19. 第四阶段:提炼总结阶段。

    Phase IV : Aggregate extraction stage .

  20. 在第四阶段,教材编写的理念发生了巨大的变化。

    During the fourth stage of textbooks , the concept of the compiling greatly changed .

  21. 在精益实现阶段(第四阶段),改善是要用来实现某些特定的企业目标的。

    In Lean Realization Phase which the improvements are planned to achieve certain operational target .

  22. 事实上,还有第四阶段,是我们还没有到达的,

    And so there 's actually a fourth thing that we have not get to ,

  23. 中国企业国际化分为四个阶段,阿里巴巴就处于第四阶段。

    As such , Alibaba represents the fourth stage of the internationalization of Chinese business .

  24. 第四阶段,南海海盆整体旋转,古南海圈闭。

    Stage IV , the South China Sea revolved and the ancient South China Sea closed .

  25. 第四阶段学习刀法。

    Phase IV study sword skill .

  26. 第四阶段(1985&2000):回归文学时期。

    The fourth stage ( from 1985 to 2000 ): the times of returning to literature .

  27. 第四阶段-方案中止

    Phase Four - Programme Suspension

  28. 第四阶段(1998&2004)广开门路,促进农村富余劳动力多渠道转移。

    The fourth stage ( 1998 - 2004 ), explored new possibilities , promoted the multi-channel shifting .

  29. 第四阶段,以提高全体教师的整体素质为根本目的。

    The fourth period is characterized by the essential purpose of improving the whole teachers ' overall qualities .

  30. 进入第四阶段,通过世界公民形象的成功塑造而显示多方面的文化新变,则是此阶段最主要的诗学追求。

    The moulding of the images of the global citizen is the poetical pursuit on the forth stage .