
  • 网络The Third Man;third person
  1. 于2005年开业的第三个人博物馆(TheThirdManMuseum)陈列了由一对维也纳夫妇收集的有关这部电影的各式各样的工艺制品和纪念物。

    The Third Man Museum , an exhaustive collection of artifacts and memorabilia amassed by a Viennese couple , opened in2005 .

  2. 第三个人插话进来说:“我也是,去买瓶可乐吧。”prep.难以(以…感到困难)

    And the third man , " So am I. Let 's have a coke . "

  3. 庞恭再问:“如果第三个人还是这样说呢?”魏王说:“大家都这么说,看来这事是真的了。”

    Pang Gong asked once more , " What if a third person told Your Majesty this again ? " The king said , " Since everybody said so , it seemed it was true . "

  4. 第三个人是现居北京的资深法国电影制作人让·路易·派(JeanLouisPiel),他就坐在前排看着他们。

    The third man , Jean-Louis Piel , a veteran French producer and resident of Beijing , watched from one of the front rows .

  5. 麦肯锡必须虔诚地祈祷不会再有第三个人出现。

    McKinsey must devoutly hope that there is no third man .

  6. 这时,那第三个人,停下来,不跑了。

    By this time , the third man had stopped running .

  7. 脑膜炎的爆发今天使第三个人丧生。

    The mening it is outbreak claimed a third victim today .

  8. 你是告诉我那件事的第三个人。

    You are the third person to tell me about that .

  9. 那房间里面的第三个人是谁?

    But who was the third man in the room ?

  10. 顺便说一下,还有第三个人。

    Oh , by the way , there is a third person .

  11. 只有第三个人在场时,我才会说。

    I will only speak in the presence of a third person .

  12. 不管怎样第三个人得跟著过去。

    Anyway , a third man went in after it .

  13. 第三个人插话进来说:我们能为你提供法律援助。

    We can give you legal assistance , a third chimes in .

  14. 不过,第三个人仍有生还的迹象。

    A third person , however , still showed signs of life .

  15. 但珊莎的视线却始终离不开第三个人。

    but Sansa could not take her eyes off the third man .

  16. 把能跟他们互动的东西放在手边,第三个人建议说。

    Have stuff around that they can interact with , a third suggested .

  17. 而且我还要对付第三个人。

    And I attempted to deal with the third .

  18. 第三个人起身走了出去。

    A third man got up and went out .

  19. 第三个人粘纸板。

    The third person had to tape the cardboard .

  20. 船上还有第三个人。

    There was a third man on the boat .

  21. 而第三个人坐在椅子上旁观。

    With the third one watching from a chair .

  22. 第三个人操作腿和脚。

    And the third operates its legs and feet .

  23. 对,快回到你父母那儿去。第三个人说。

    ' Yes & go back to your parents , ' said a third .

  24. 怎么了,他出了什么事?第三个人问道。

    ' Why , what was the matter with him ?' asked a third .

  25. 一根火柴点燃三支香烟会给第三个人带来厄运。

    Lighting three cigarettes from one match brings bad luck to the third person .

  26. 两个女人,若非以第三个人为牺牲,则殆无相好之时。

    Two women seldom grow intimate but at the expense of a third person .

  27. 第三个人是撒玛利亚人,一个被社会遗弃的人,他停了下来对这个人施以援手。

    The third man -- a Samaritan , a social outcast -- stops to help .

  28. 但是第三个人是计算好了的。

    This third shooter * Was calculated .

  29. 发言的人左边第三个人喷一口水。

    The actor third to the left of the person speaking does a spit take .

  30. 你会告诉第三个人么?

    Do you tell the third ?