
  • 网络the sixth generation directors
  1. 中国电影第六代导演的成长道路、审美特点及其他

    The Sixth Generation Directors ' Growth Roads , Aesthetic Features and Others

  2. 第六代导演在20世纪90年代开始在中国的影坛出现并表现出强劲的力量。

    The sixth generation directors in the 20th century emerged in the 1990s and showed great force .

  3. 第六代导演的影像语言分析

    An Analysis of the Image Language of the Directors of the Sixth Generations

  4. 论第六代导演的电影美学风格

    Aesthetic Style of the Films Directed by " the Directors of the Sixth Generation "

  5. 九十年代第六代导演群体的创作的非主流电影中带有大量的后现代艺术特征。

    The incurrent movies created by Chinese sixth-generation directors in the 1990s have many postmodern artistic peculiarities .

  6. 底层电影的命名源于对第六代导演的关注。

    The name of the Low Class originates from the concern to " the Sixth Generation " directors .

  7. 中国第六代导演的影像话语论中国第五代电影的寻根意识

    Discourse Construction of the Sixth Generation Film Directors On the Root-seeking Consciousness of the 5th Generation of Chinese

  8. 本文提出了第六代导演审美观是以丑为美这一基本论断。

    The author puts forward the aesthetics of the sixth-generation directors & " treating ugliness as beauty " .

  9. 该文探讨了第六代导演电影新作的主要特点与不足之处。

    This article discusses the chief characteristics and defects of the recent films directed by the sixth-generation directors .

  10. 探讨第六代导演的发展走向对中国影坛未来具有启示性意义。

    It is important for the future of the Chinese movie to investigate the pursuance of the sixth generation .

  11. 内容表现的日常性与文本表达的作者性&论中国第六代导演电影风格特征

    The routine-ness of content and the author-ness of texts : the movie features of China 's sixth generation of directors

  12. 他既有着第六代导演们共同的特征,又有着自己独特的个性。

    He has a " sixth generation " Directors have common characteristics , but also has its own unique personality .

  13. 寻找消隐的另一半:《苏州河》、《月蚀》和中国第六代导演

    In Search of the Erased Half : Suzhou River , Lunar Eclipse and the Sixth Generation of Chinese Film Directors

  14. 目前,第六代导演还在发展变化,因而相关探讨还处于动态观察中。

    The sixth generation directors are still developing now , so the discuss about them is in the dynamic observation .

  15. 该文在全球化语境下,对第六代导演如何提高创作水准问题进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses how to improve the quality of works of the sixth-generation movie directors in the context of globalization .

  16. 引言部分概括介绍第六代导演整体风格及当前他们面临的形势。

    An overview of the introduction to the overall style of the sixth generation of directors and the current situation they face .

  17. 但第六代导演从兴起到命名、从艺术探索到发展走向却是一个艰难的历程。

    However , the sixth generation , from emerges to the naming and from art exploration to development , experienced a hard process actually .

  18. 许鞍华和马俪文分别为香港新浪潮电影导演和大陆第六代导演的代表人物。

    Anhua Xu and Liwen Ma are recognized as representative figures in Hong Kong " New wave cinema " field and the sixth-generation mainland directors .

  19. 从分析第六代导演的个案出发,可以寻找到一条探讨当代中国电影文学化风格的有效途径。

    In probing into the literatured style of contemporary Chinese movies , the present paper starts with the analysis of cases of the6th generation screen directors .

  20. 第六代导演从诞生到命名,从最初的艺术探索到后来的发展走向经历了一个艰难的过程。

    From birth to the naming , and from the original art exploration to the later development trend the sixth generation directors has experienced a difficult process .

  21. 而第六代导演显而易见地在创作过程中尊重了这一规律,这也是他们电影风格发生转变的深层原因。

    And clearly in the process of creation of the sixth generation directors respect this rule , which is the deep-seated reasons of their movie style change .

  22. 题材选取、叙事策略、影像风格这三方面紧密联系在一起,共同体现了第六代导演的追求。

    In a word , the theme selection , the narrative strategy and the image style integrates as a whole , show the pursuance of the sixth generation .

  23. 涉及到第六代导演的论文,多数从创作理想、艺术特点、表现手法等方面进行研究,对他们的转变没有系统的梳理与考辨。

    Most from the ideal creative thesis , art features , performance and other aspects of the way research on the changes they did not too much concern .

  24. 本文在全球化语境下,联系第六代导演近年的创作实践,对第六代导演提出几点期望。

    The article connects the creative practices of the sixth-generation directors in the past years with the globalizational context , and expresses our expectations to their productive work .

  25. 同时通过第六代导演对于自身创作的认识与反省,并对他们集体转型的原因和背景给予分析,认识到他们集体转型背后对国内体制的认同与回归。

    It also includes that the sixth generation directors began to recognize the return and recognition of domestic system after they had a collective transition through analyzing own formative experience and transition .

  26. 作者认为,第六代导演应当重视挖掘民族生活深厚的文化意蕴,在表现传统文化与现代文化的交融与冲撞中,体现出作品的文化意义;

    The paper points out that they should explore the cultural implications of national life and bestow cultural significance to their works through the description of the fusion and conflicts between traditional and modern cultures .

  27. 全文共分为三部分,即第六代导演的兴起与命名、第六代导演的美学追求及第六代导演的走向,以此来梳理、概括中国第六代导演。

    The thesis is divided into three parts : the emerging and the naming of the sixth generation , the esthetics pursuance and the development of the sixth generation , and summarizes the sixth generation systematically .

  28. 得出了结论:发现了包括张一白导演在内的第六代导演在创作中的一些共同存在的问题,以及对张一白导演在城市电影创作中取得的成功加以肯定与总结。

    The conclusion : found Yibai Zhang director , including in the creation of the " sixth generation " directors of some common problems , as well as to Yibai Zhang director in the city of success in the film creation asserted and summarized .

  29. 结语部分概括了当前中国电影界面临的考验,呼吁社会各界应给予第六代导演更多的关注和关怀,并对第六代导演转型之后的发展提出了新的期望。

    Concluding remarks summarize some of the current Chinese film industry is facing the test , called on all sectors of society should be given to the sixth generation of directors more attention and care , and sixth-generation director of development after the transition to new expectations .

  30. 第六代电影导演的研究综述

    Conclusion about the Researches on Film Director of the Sixth Generation