
dì yī tiān
  • first day
  1. 我已经忘了第一天上学的情景。

    I don 't remember my first day at school .

  2. 我还依稀记得我第一天上学的情景。

    I can vaguely remember my first day at school .

  3. 我们努力确保孩子们在上学的第一天不胆怯。

    We try to make sure children don 't feel intimidated on their first day at school .

  4. 《第一天》是他们的首张合作专辑。

    ' The First Day ' is their first collaborative album .

  5. 第一天他勉强绕着整个街区跑了下来。

    He could scarcely jog around the block that first day .

  6. 她从第一天起就恪守诺言。

    She 's been true to her word from day one .

  7. 上学第一天,我们就非常惹人注意。

    We stood out a mile on that first day at school .

  8. 从入职第一天开始,他就是公司难得的人才。

    From day one he 's been a great asset to the company .

  9. 比赛的第一天中国女队表现抢眼。

    It was Chinese women who stole the show on the first day of competition

  10. 第一天他就因胃痛得直不起腰而离开了法庭。

    He left the courtroom on the first day bent double with stomach pain .

  11. 自打第一天起,我好像就和每个人都很合得来。

    Right from my very first day I seemed to be in everyone 's good books .

  12. 第一天有些怪异。

    That first day was weird

  13. 据报道,总理对第一天会谈的进展表示满意。

    The Chancellor is reported to have been delighted with the progress of the first day 's talks

  14. 我第一天到这儿时就想,“天哪,我怎么能挺过去呢?”

    On my first day here I thought , ' Ooh , how will I survive ? '

  15. 从竞选活动的第一天起,国家党和自由党的领导人就难分高下。

    On day one of the election campaign the National and Liberal Party leaders were neck and neck .

  16. “你还记得第一天上学吗?”“噢,是的,当然。”

    ' Do you remember your first day at school ? ' — ' Oh aye . Yeah . '

  17. 从改革的第一天起,议会就不断施压予以抗议。

    From the very first days of the reforms , the parliament kept up an incessant drumbeat of protest .

  18. 新年第一天,我在美国开始了一次新的冒险。

    I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year .

  19. 我为第一天就已耗费相当大体力的参赛者感到非常惋惜。

    I feel very sorry for the competitors who have all worked themselves up to a very high pitch for this first day

  20. 月初第一天,这家准备乔迁新居。

    The family are moving in on the first of the month .

  21. 这本书出版后的第一天我就去买到了它。

    I bought the book the day after its issue .

  22. 我儿子乔迪从上幼儿园的第一天起就讨厌上学。

    My son Jody has hated school since day one in kindergarten .

  23. 由此可见,第一天,这只鹨飞行了20公里。

    Thus we can see that , on the first day , the pipit flew 20 kilometers .

  24. 他们没有。从第二天起(第一天两个人都想去遛可爱的小狗)就都不想遛狗了。

    They didn 't. From day two ( everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day ) , neither thought to walk the dog .

  25. 我慢慢才接受我可能是那个会拍照记录成长、带她看兽医、给她喂食、洗澡的人,但米斯蒂在第一天就知道了这一点。

    While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her shots , to schedule her vet appointments , to feed and clean her , Misty knew this on day one .

  26. 它们会在第一天来的时候看到稻草人,然后折返。

    They will come the first day and they see the scarecrow , and they go back .

  27. 他们发现在第一天晚上,大脑的左半部分比右半部分更活跃。

    They found during the first night the left half of the brain was more active than the right half .

  28. 第一天,他筹集了50多美分,交给母亲买吃的。

    The first day he collected over 50 cents , which he gave to his mother to buy food with .

  29. 开学的第一天,我们所有的学生都接受了一个语言水平测试。

    On the first day of school , all of us students were given a test to determine our language level .

  30. 他选择四月的最后一天作为诚实日,因为四月的第一天是愚人节,那一天人们会庆祝谎言。

    He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fools ' Day , which celebrates lies .