
  • 网络First China Invest
  1. 以秘鲁为例,第一笔中国投资由首钢集团完成,它于1992年购买了一座铁矿;

    The first Chinese investment was by Shougang , which bought an iron-ore mine in1992 .

  2. 过去20年间,第一东方在中国直接投资了近100个项目,跨越房地产、基础设施及金融服务等多个行业,这些交易也使诸立力一直与北京和上海的政治掮客们保持着联系。

    In the past 20 years first Eastern has made close to 100 direct investments in China , spanning real estate , infrastructure and financial services deals which grant Mr Chu ongoing access to power-brokers in Beijing and Shanghai .