
  • 网络financial conglomerate;PNC Financial Services Group;Financial Service Conglomerate
  1. 在梅奥看来,业绩最好的CEO是PNC金融服务集团(PNCFinancialServicesGroup)的掌门人吉姆•罗尔。

    The best performing CEO , according to Mayo , was Jim Rohr , who heads up PNC Financial Services Group ( PNC ) .

  2. PNC金融服务集团的首席经济学家斯徒亚特.霍夫曼说,美国劳动力市场仍在继续恶化,只是和几个月前相比,恶化的速度变缓而已。

    PNC Financial Services Group chief-economist Stuart Hoffman says the U.S. labor market continues to deteriorate , but at a slower pace than a few months ago :

  3. 今年7月,AIG以20亿美元的价格,将旗下汽车子公司卖给了苏黎世金融服务集团(ZurichFinancialServices)。

    In July , it sold its automobiles subsidiary to Zurich Financial Services for $ 2bn .

  4. 苏黎世金融服务集团(ZurichFinancialServices)首席经济学家DanielHoffman表示,其中一个问题就是经济差异。

    Zurich Financial Services Group Chief Economist Daniel Hoffman said one of those issues is economic .

  5. 这家金融服务集团不仅具备投资者关系协会(investorrelationssociety)推荐的最佳实践特征,而且还以有说服力的方式与读者互动。

    The financial services group not only had the most best practice features recommended by the investor relations society , but also engaged with readers in a compelling way .

  6. 但随着对P2P融资的需求增长,各平台正转向大型金融服务集团,希望由其提供资金、推动它们的增长。

    But as the demand for P2P finance has grown , platforms are turning to large financial services groups to provide funds and spur their growth .

  7. 中信证券(CiticSecurities)将推进在香港上市的计划,有望为这家总部位于北京的金融服务集团筹资至多20亿美元。

    Citic Securities is to go ahead with a planned Hong Kong listing that could raise as much as $ 2bn for the Beijing-based financial services group .

  8. 美国地方银行pnc金融服务集团(pncfinancialservicesgroup)以及资产管理公司黑岩(blackrock)等其它金融服务集团的良好业绩,也在早盘进一步推高了纽约股市。

    Good results from other financial groups such as the regional lender PNC Financial and the asset manager BlackRock also pushed stock markets higher in the morning in New York .

  9. 欧洲保险集团&苏黎世金融服务集团(ZurichFinancialServices)预计,其未来的中国业务发展,除现有的在华外企客户外,将主要依赖中国国内企业的海外活动。

    Zurich Financial Services , the European insurance group , expects its future China business to rely heavily on Chinese domestic enterprises ' activities overseas , in addition to its existing client base of foreign corporations .

  10. “中国正走上一条非常不均衡的经济增长道路,”全球保险集团苏黎世金融服务集团(zurichfinancialservices)集团首席经济学家丹尼尔霍夫曼(danielhofmann)表示。

    " China is on a very unbalanced path of economic growth , " said Daniel Hofmann , group chief economist at Zurich Financial Services , the global insurance group .

  11. 但是PNC金融服务集团的经济学家盖斯·佛夏表示,假期对数据造成了影响。

    But economist Gass Forshay of PNC financial service says the holidays are affecting that number .

  12. 当这家德国金融服务集团在8月7日公布上半年业绩时,预计会谨慎讨论出售其零售和投资银行子公司德累斯顿银行(DresdnerBank)一事。

    When the German financial services group reports first-half results on the 7 Aug , expect guarded talk on the sale of Dresdner Bank , its retail and investment banking arm .

  13. 12日,蚂蚁金融服务集团研发的VR支付在深圳亮相。这个集团是中国最大在线支付平台支付宝的运营商,每天有超4.5亿人使用支付宝。

    Ant Financial Services Group , which was demonstrating VR Pay in Shenzhen on Wednesday , operates China 's largest online payments service Alipay with more than 450 million daily users .

  14. 美国最大的工会之一明日将呼吁花旗集团(Citigroup)分拆,此举突显了这家陷于困境的金融服务集团管理层所面对的挑战。

    One of America 's largest unions will tomorrow call for a break-up of Citigroup in a move that underlines the challenges faced by the beleaguered financial services group 's top management .

  15. 但最大的一个原因可能还是因为PNC金融服务集团在2009年推出了一项市场推广活动,大举宣扬其LEED认证分支机构的绿色环保。

    The biggest factor , however , is probably that PNC launched a marketing campaign in 2009 that trumpeted its LEED branches ' greenness .

  16. 美国金融服务集团摩根大通(JPMorgan)周一宣布,已聘请一名顶尖的亚洲公司法律师执掌其中国业务,并扩大了这一职位的职能,使其带领该银行推进在中国各项雄心勃勃的计划。

    JPMorgan on Monday announced the hiring of one of Asia 's leading corporate lawyers to head its China business and expanded the role to lead the bank 's ambitious plans in the country .

  17. 而且,康隆补充说:“所有PNC金融服务集团的分支机构都在从事同样的业务,提供相同的产品,并使用同一系统。”

    Moreover , Conlon adds , " all PNC branches do the same things , offering the same products and using the same systems . "

  18. 花旗集团(Citigroup)股价昨日在纽约市场早盘交易时段上涨3%。此前,这家全球最大的金融服务集团宣布,由于加强了成本控制,加之资本市场利润强劲,其第一财季的收益高于预期。

    Citigroup shares jumped 3 per cent in early New York trading yesterday after the world 's largest financial services company announced better-than-expected first-quarter earnings helped by improved cost control and strong capital markets profits .

  19. 金融服务集团道富银行(Statestreet)开始发售总价值15亿美元的股票,并将发行至少5亿美元的优先债券,以偿还从美国问题资产救助计划(Tarp)获得的资金。

    State Street has begun selling $ 1.5bn in stock and will sell at least $ 500m in senior debt as part of the financial services group 's plan to repay money received under the US 's troubled asset relief programme ( Tarp ) .

  20. 人们原本以为,这家英国金融服务集团将于周三公布配股发行的具体条款。此次发行将为保诚收购美国国际集团(AIG)旗下亚洲业务友邦保险提供资金。

    The UK-based financial services group was on Wednesday supposed to publish the detailed terms of the rights issue that would fund the acquisition of AIA , the Asian arm of AIG , the US insurer .

  21. PNC金融服务集团的经济学家格斯·福彻表示,这个法案现在看起来更像是华尔街所期待的结果,可是它并没有明确地解决联邦长期开支的困扰,增加债务上限的时期将会来临。

    Economist Gus Faucher of PNC Financial Services says this deal , pretty much looks like what Wall Street expected for now , but with no clear resolution of long-term federal spending concerns and another debt-limit increase looming .

  22. 苏黎世金融服务集团称,自己是北美最大的汽车经销保险商。

    ZFS says it is the largest insurer of car dealerships in North America .

  23. 相对而言,在中国的一般(即非人寿)保险领域,苏黎世金融服务集团还是个新来者。

    ZFS is a relative newcomer to China 's general , or non-life , insurance sector .

  24. 尽管可能感觉不太对劲,但许多金融服务集团的表现从未像现在这样出色。

    Wrong as it might feel , the performance of many financial services groups has rarely looked better .

  25. 许多欧美金融服务集团正急于在中国拓展寿险和非寿险投资。

    Many European and US financial services groups are eager to expand life and non-life investments in China .

  26. 纽约代表处是苏黎世金融服务集团兼并与收购集团(mergers&acquisitionsgroup)和不断发展扩大的全球能源部的总部所在。

    The New York office also acts as headquarters for zurich 's mergers & acquisitions group and expanding global energy unit .

  27. 与此同时,美国金融服务集团的交易规模下滑至自1995年以来最低的年度迄今水平。

    Meanwhile , the number of deals being carried out by US financial services groups has fallen to the lowest year-to-date volume since 1995 .

  28. 中国迫切希望与按照严格公司治理机制(而非国内现有机制)运行的国际金融服务集团建立联系。

    China is keen to forge links with international financial services groups that operate under strict governance regimes than those that currently exist in China .

  29. 营销和金融服务集团被迫向有经验的高管提供10万欧元乃至更高的年薪,因而也对他们提出了更为严格的目标。

    Marketing and financial services groups , driven to pay 1 00000 a year or more for experienced executives , are giving them tougher targets .

  30. 在保安人员礼貌询问后,只见前台接待人员端坐在这家全球最大金融服务集团的红伞标识下。

    Past the polite inquiries of a security guard , a receptionist sits straight-backed under the red-umbrella logo of the world 's biggest financial services group .