
  1. 森林可持续经营的政策支持体系&亚太区域示范林项目中国临安示范林实践

    Policy Supporting Systems for Sustainable Forest Management

  2. 对第八届健美操世界锦标赛集体6人项目中国队的技术水平分析

    On the Technic Level of China Sports Aerobics Team 's Group Six at the 8th World Sports Aerobics Championships

  3. 整个系统实现后,可以使建设项目中国有资金管理和监督更加便捷、灵活。

    Upon realization of the system , the management and supervision the state-owned capital can become more convenient and flexible .

  4. 欧美国家在女子自由体操,美国和中国在平衡木和高低杠上略占上风,跳马项目中国与欧美抗衡并占有一定的优势。

    USA and European females are good at free exercise ; USA and China are good at balance bean and uneven bars items .

  5. 本文通过在国家重点科技项目中国试验型数字图书馆中的实践体会,重点阐述了数字图书馆资源库的设计与加工方面的问题。

    Through the experience of Chinese Pilot Digital Library Program , the paper introduces the structure designing and data processing of digital resource library .

  6. 本文着重介绍了我国九五期间国家经贸委将开展的重点节能项目中国绿色照明工程的实施框架内容,包括该项工程的主要目的、行动计划和主要特点。

    This paper introduces chiefly the framework of China Green Lights Program and its compositions , including the aims , activit plans and characteristics .

  7. 六五国家重大科技攻关项目中国煤成气的开发研究的重要成果和意义

    Main achievements and significance of the sixth five year State Key Technologies R D programme study on the development of coal formed gas in China

  8. 这是本项研究提出的背景。本项研究是国家948项目中国农业研究信息系统建设项目的一个研究专题。

    This is the background of the present study , which in turn is a special research task of the project entitled " Building China 's Agricultural Research Information System ", supported by the National 948 Program .

  9. 文章以全国教育科学十五规划项目中国流动人口子女教育的调查与研究的基本调查为依据,对中国流动人口子女9年制义务教育进行了专题的分析与研究。

    The article is on the basis of the data provided by the Investigation and Studies on Educational Problems of the Children of Floating Population . It analyses the nine-year compulsory education of the children of Chinese floating population .

  10. 863项目中国气象应用网格为了给地理上分布在全国各地的气象开发人员提供数值天气预报系统研究的异地协同攻关环境,需要在网格环境下建立一个软件的分布协同开发环境。

    863 PROJECT - " The Weather Application Grid of China " needs to build a software distribution cooperation exploitation environment under grid environment in order to provide weather developer the environment which is used to research numerical weather forecast in every place of nation .

  11. 国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)估计,今年10月,房地产项目在中国经济活动中占12.8%。

    Real estate projects accounted for 12.8 percent of China 's economic activity in October , according to the International Monetary Fund .

  12. StanleyWang是中国铁路建设项目在中国西部的工地主管。

    Stanley Wang is a site agent for a railway construction project in western China .

  13. 这一合资项目由中国tom在线有限公司(tomonline)拥有多数股权,该公司在3年前与ebay结盟。

    The joint venture is majority owned by Chinese Tom online , which formed an alliance with eBay three years ago .

  14. 上海大学MBA项目是中国为数不多的用英语进行MBA教学的学校之一。

    The Shanghai MBA is one of a small number in China that is delivered entirely in English .

  15. 这个76亿美元的项目由中国国家开发银行(ChineseDevelopmentBank)提供资金,中国中铁(ChinaRailwayGroup)负责运营,建成后每年可把至多4000万吨货物从哥伦比亚的经济腹地运至太平洋港口。

    The $ 7.6bn project , funded by the Chinese Development Bank and operated by China Railway Group , would move up to40m tonnes of cargo a year from Colombia 's economic heartland to the Pacific .

  16. 引进国外先进技术,提高工业锅炉产品水平&分析GEF项目对中国工业锅炉的影响

    Import Foreign Advanced Technology to raise the level of Our industrial Boiler

  17. TOT项目融资中国有资产转让定价的博弈分析

    How to Fix the Price of the National Assets , the Game Theory in the TOT Project Finance

  18. 本文以具有前瞻性的国际项目&中国EPD教育项目为例,以EPD教育课堂教学案例的研究和中国EPD教育案例开发的研究两方面为突破口,对中国的可持续发展教育进行了研究。

    This paper regards EPD project which is a national project as a example of sustainable development .

  19. 随着我国不断地融入全球经济,越来越多的EPC项目在中国实施,工程总承包企业所面临的竞争也越来越激烈。

    With continually integrating into global economy , more and more EPC project will be executed in China , the general contractor will face very fierce competition .

  20. 美国国务卿克里(JohnKerry)周四访问了韩国,试图安抚美国亚洲盟友的不安。朝鲜核项目和中国日趋强大的军事力量令这些国家忧心忡忡。

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited South Korea on Thursday , seeking to reassure anxious allies in the region worried about North Korea 's nuclear program and China 's growing military clout .

  21. JIC为科技表示,它计划投资在三个不同的替代能源项目在中国。

    JIC Technology says it plans to invest in three separate alternative energy projects in China .

  22. 然而,虽然有一些NGO组织专注于为农民工子弟学校提供帮助,但像GSK这种聚焦农民工医疗的项目在中国似乎为数不多。

    But while other NGOs provide help to migrant schools , the GSK project seems to be one of the few in China to focus on migrant healthcare .

  23. DelphinGanapin表示:“该项目在中国虽然才刚刚发展,但是很成功。”

    Delphin Ganapin said ," Projects in China are young but successful . "

  24. 艾维斯Energia公司开始风力农场的发展,中国在2005年和积累项目在中国9个省的2008年。

    Gamesa Energia began wind farm development in China in2005 and amassed projects in nine Chinese provinces by2008 .

  25. 该项目由中国国家留学基金管理委员会出资,中国大学生体育协会组织。后者类似于中国的NCAA,由政府资助。该机构认为这些教练的美国之旅远远不只是轻松的公费旅游。

    The program is financed by the Chinese Scholarship Council and organized by Federation University Sports China - a sort of state-sponsored Chinese N.C.A.A. that saw the coaches " trips as much more than relaxed junkets .

  26. 到目前为止,共有24家位于英国的基金通过之前的QFII项目对中国进行了投资,不过值得指出的是,其中超过一半的基金都是美国以及跨国公司驻英国的分支机构。

    To date , 24 UK / London-based fund managers have already taken up some investment into China via the previous QFII scheme , although it is interesting to note that more than half of these are the UK-based subsidiaries of US and global companies .

  27. 根据国际教育协会发布的《2017年门户开放报告》,2016-17学年,参加OPT项目的中国毕业生人数近6万,较上年增长14.6%,是2009-10学年的数字的5倍多。

    The number of Chinese graduates in such programs reached nearly 60000 in the 2016-17 academic year , an increase of 14.6 % from the previous year and more than five times the figure in the 2009-10 academic year , according to the 2017 Open Doors report by the Institute for International Education .

  28. SYB培训项目引进中国后,其培训模式受到了广大创业者特别是下岗失业人员的欢迎,但其在高职院校中的应用较晚,目前还没开成系统化、制度化,还不够成熟。

    When SYB is in China , the model of training instruction is warmly welcome by both the Laid-off and Unemployed . Since this project started late in vocational colleges and has not been systemized or institutionalized , to the SYB trainings in vocational colleges is not mature .

  29. 现在,Sakamaki来到中国的新疆、云南、辽宁等边远省份,拍摄他的摄影项目“中国的边远地带”。这个项目纪录了中国边远地区的少数族群,正在迅速变为那片他们称之为故乡的土地的局外人。

    Now , Mr. Sakamaki has turned to China 's fringe provinces - Xinjian , Yunnan , Liaoning and others - where his project , " China 's Outer Lands , " catalogs marginalized minority groups that are rapidly becoming strangers in the territories they call home .

  30. 跨栏项目成为中国田径的领头雁;

    Hurdles becomes the leading event of Chinese track and field ;