
  1. R&D项目诊断和中止决策

    R & D Projects Termination Decision by Diagnosing Risks

  2. 叙述了国际上LIA发展概况和束流诊断技术所取得的成果,讨论了本研究项目OTR诊断系统的总体方案。

    The development of LIA worldwide and beam diagnosing techniques were stated ; the outline schematic of OTR diagnosing system was discussed .

  3. 健康教育项目设计PRECEDE诊断评价模式

    Design diagnosis and evaluation model for health education projects

  4. 因此,TBA的测定可作为常规肝功能检测项目,用于诊断各种肝病及胆管疾病。

    Conclusion TBA can be used as a indicator for routine live function measuring and as diagnosis indicator for liver and gallbladder disorder .

  5. Nodari在全球抗击慢性呼吸疾病联盟大规模开展的慢性呼吸疾病试点卫生项目中被诊断为慢性阻塞性呼吸疾病患者。

    Nodari was diagnosed with COPD during the roll-out of a pilot health project on chronic respiratory diseases by the Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases ( GARD ) .

  6. 五种检验项目对糖尿病诊断的评价

    Evaluation of diagnostic value of five examination items in diabetes mellitus

  7. 工程项目施工状态诊断模型

    Diagnostic Model for Construction State in Engineering Project

  8. 数字图像技术对于举重项目的技术诊断不失为一种有效的手段。

    We thought that this data image processing system is a useful tool for female weightlifting practice .

  9. 提出了一套创新的可以应用在实际接地网故障诊断项目中的诊断方法来诊断地网主网的缺陷。

    The paper proposes a set of renovated method that can be applied in actual grounding grid defect diagnosis .

  10. 在油液监测的综合诊断方法中,诊断判据划分为理化检测项目的定量诊断判据和磨粒图库的定性诊断判据。

    Diagnosis judgement comprises quantitative judgement of detecting items of physicochemical properties and qualitative judgement of debris images in the methods of synthetic diagnosis in oil analysis .

  11. 阐述了专家系统在项目评估、诊断、决策和预测、建筑设计及优化、项目管理、施工技术以及一些特殊领域的应用。

    Secondly , authors introduced the applications of expert systems on project evaluation , diagnosis , decision and prediction , building design , optimum design , project management , construction technology and other special domains in civil engineering .

  12. 该模型以油中溶解气体分析作为诊断内部潜伏性故障的主线,结合各种相应的试验项目进行综合诊断,确定了故障的大体部位,提高了故障诊断的可靠性和准确性。

    The DGA is used as dominant idea to diagnose internal incipient fault in this model . Synthetical diagnosis on the basis of combining all kinds of relevant tests makes a decision for the fault position ; improves the reliability and accuracy of fault diagnosis .

  13. CARS量表15个评定项目均具有鉴别诊断意义,均P<0.01;

    15 items of CARS showed significance for differential diagnosis of autism ( P < 0.01 );

  14. 通过实际病例的诊断表明,利用粗糙集和BP神经网络相结合的方法,可有效提高心脏病症诊断的精度和速度,同时也减少了检查项目,降低了诊断成本。

    The practical application shows that using a BP neural network with rough sets theory can enhance effectively accuracy and speed of diagnosis and reduce some checking items and checking cost .

  15. BNP对CHF的诊断效率较高,ROC曲线下面积为0.948。结论Triage快速BNP检测可作为常规生化项目,为临床诊断CHF提供依据。

    The area under the receive operating characteristic ( ROC ) curve of BNP for evaluation to CHF was 0.948 . Conclusions Triage BNP can be used as a blood marker to diagnose CHF .

  16. 合作项目将专注于诊断心脏病和中风之类的疾病,并寻找精神疾病的生物学指标。

    The projects will focus on diagnosing illnesses such as heart disease and stroke , and finding biological indicators of mental illnesses .

  17. 本课题来源于学校十五重点学科建设项目:计算机集成诊断与治疗系统。

    The dissertation is an important part of the the tenth five years key subject building project of NUAA , which is called The Computer Integration Diagnoses and Therapy System .

  18. 七个步骤包括变革准备、项目启动、流程诊断、设计新流程、实施新流程、流程评估、持续改善。

    Seven steps are changes to prepare , to start the project , diagnostic procedures , the design of new processes , new processes , the assessment process continued to improve .

  19. 本课题属河南省重大科技攻关项目远程设备故障诊断及其系列产品开发。

    This subject belongs to the important project of science and technology of the Henan province for tackling key problems named remote fault diagnosis of equipment and the development of the related series of products .

  20. 目的比较农村结核病控制项目地区和非项目地区诊断延误的差异,研究不同地区人口、社会经济和症状因素对结核病患者诊断延误的影响。

    Purpose To compare diagnostic delays among tuberculosis ( TB ) patients between counties with and without the National TB Control Program ( NTP ), and to study the impact of demographic , socioeconomic and symptomatic factors leading to delay .

  21. 为了普及高水平专家在技术错误诊断方面的知识,并推动赛艇项目的开展,我们开发了赛艇项目技术诊断专家系统RTDS。

    In order to popularize the knowledge among the highlevel experts on rowing and give impetus to the rowing programme , we have developed an expert system of skill diagnosis ( RTDS ) in this field .

  22. 文章提出了工程项目施工的投资状态函数、进度状态函数、质量状态函数和环境状态函数,并以状态函数为基础,建立了项目施工状态诊断模型。

    This paper presented state functions of investment , progress , quality and surrounding . Meanwhile , the paper advanced a diagnostic model for construction state in engineering project based on the state functions .