
  1. 医疗服务项目价格调整政策分析

    Analyzing the Adjustment Policy of Medical Service Standard Item and Price

  2. 3基本医疗保险的运营受春节和成都市卫生服务项目价格调整的影响。

    The policy is influenced by spring festival and health policy .

  3. 医疗服务项目价格调整机制的初步研究

    Primary Research on the Mechanism of Price Adjustment in Medical Care System

  4. 水电建设项目合同价格调整的理论与方法研究

    Theory and Measure for Adjusting Contract Price of Hydropower Project

  5. 用实例论述了高速公路项目合同价格调整的方法和计算步骤。

    This paper explains with example of cases the method and calculation procedures for the contract price adjustment of expressways under construction .

  6. 医疗服务项目的价格调整涉及到医院各专项信息系统中许多基础字典的变动,调整过程十分复杂。

    The price adjustment of medical service items relates to the alterations of many basic dictionaries in each special hospital information system and the process of adjustment is very complex .

  7. 基础设施BOT项目的产品价格调整机制研究

    Research on Price Adjustment Mechanism for Infrastructure BOT Projects ' Products

  8. 威海市医疗服务项目规范实施与价格调整评价研究

    The Study for Medical Service Item Regulation and Price Orientation in Weihai City

  9. 为此,应完善医疗服务项目价格形成机制和健全医疗服务项目价格调整机制,建立科学有效的医疗服务项目价格评价指标体系,以确保其价格的调整效果。

    For this reason , it is necessary to perfect the formation and readjustment mechanisms for medical services and establish a scientific and effective index system for assessing the prices so as to guarantee the price readjustment results .