
  1. 本文介绍了目前中国国际电话业务的现状及发展趋势以及在开展国际电信业务时采取的主要措施:开发多种业务满足用户需求及扩大网络能力适应业务发展。

    The status quo and development trend of the intema-tional telephone service and the major measures taken TO devel-op the International telecom services are described : to satisfy the user needs by developing various services and to meet service development by expanding the network capability .

  2. 本建议对组织国际电话查号业务所遵循的方法和一般原则提出一个总的看法。

    This Recommendation gives an overview of methods and general principles to be followed in organizing an International Telephone Directory Assistance Service .

  3. VOIP技术及其业务的迅速发展,对传统的电话业务特别是国际、国内长途电话业务构成了巨大的冲击,其巨大的潜在需求吸引了越来越多的运营商和设备提供商加入这一领域。

    The growth of VOIP technology and its service has brought great impact on the traditional telephone service especially on inland and international long distance call service , and attracted a growing number of manufacturers and device providers to be part of the VOIP field due to its enormous potentials .