
  • 网络project management mechanism
  1. 市政公共设施委托代建工程项目管理机制研究

    The Research on the Project Management Mechanism of Municipal Public Establishment 's Agent-construction Projects

  2. 给出建立市场条件下的专业管理服务体系框架,并通过构建与之配套的合同模式,建立一种合同条件下的项目管理机制。

    , develops a professional management service system , and sets up a project management mechanism under the contract term .

  3. 为了进行多场系统的协同仿真,构建了一种基于J2EE和项目管理机制的网络协同设计平台。

    A collaborative design plat-form based on J2EE and project management is constructed for this aim .

  4. 方法:建立项目管理机制;

    Method : Mechanism of project management was established .

  5. 战略实施与企业绩效:项目管理机制的中介效应

    Strategy Implementation and Company Performance : The Mediating Effect of Project Management Mechanisms

  6. 北京山区生态林补偿项目管理机制研究

    The Research on Manage Mechanism of Beijing Ecological Forest Eco-compensation Project in Mountainous Areas

  7. 黄土高原水保世行贷款项目管理机制的探索与实践

    Research and Practice of Management Mechanism in the World Bank Loan Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Project in Shanxi Province

  8. 本文系统阐述了管理机制建立过程中涉及到的重要理论和实践问题,确立了适合的房地产开发项目管理机制及组织管理模式。

    This paper systematically elaborated management mechanism which refers to the important theories and practical problem in building process , established suitable management mechanism and organization management mode .

  9. 最后,本文选取上海基督教女青年会作为案例分析对象,通过电话、邮件访谈和资料收集,了解和分析其在组织制度和项目管理机制的创新。

    Finally , the paper selected the Shanghai YWCA as a case study object , understand and analyze the messages by telephone interviews and data collection , as well as the relationship with the government .

  10. 如何进一步完善延长油田产能建设项目管理机制,提高延长油田产能建设的管理水平,将是今后研究的重点。

    How to extend the field to further improve the capacity building project management mechanism , enhance the extension of the construction of oil field production management level , will be the focus of future research .

  11. 虚拟物流企业是一个高层次的集成信息系统,其实施是一项巨大的工程。必须建立科学的项目管理机制以保证项目的实施,减少或防止项目的风险。

    VLC is a integrated information system in high level and a hard task to implement , so it 's necessary to establish scientific mechanism to ensure the successful implementation and abate or eliminate the project risk .

  12. 面对未来竞争日益激烈的房地产市场,房地产开发商必须建立适合自己企业发展的组织管理模式及项目管理机制,才能使企业得到长足的发展。

    Facing with the future competed real estate market , the property developer must establish the organizations and project management mechanism which is suitable to the enterprise itself , it will be able enable the enterprise to obtain the considerable development .

  13. 再次,包括产权激励机制、项目管理机制、人才激励机制、科技投入监管机制、法律保障机制的技术创新机制体系是企业增强技术创新能力,获得长远发展的可靠保障。

    Again , including property rights incentive mechanisms , project management , personnel incentive mechanisms , investment monitoring mechanism , legal protection mechanism for technological innovation system is a mechanism for enterprises enhance their technological innovation capacity , access to long-term development of a reliable guarantee .

  14. 广州大学城项目管理创新机制与制度的研究

    Study on the New Mechanism in Projects Management of Guangzhou University City

  15. 本文笔者提出尽早建立项目绩效管理机制的建议。

    In this paper , author proposed the establishment of project performance management mechanism .

  16. 我国旅游规划企业项目化管理机制研究

    The Study of Management by Project ( MBP ) Mechanism of Chinese Tourism Planning Enterprises

  17. 基于复杂系统理论的工程项目管理协同机制与方法研究

    Study on the Synergic Mechanism and Methods of Construction Project Management Based on Complex System Theory

  18. 中德合作造林项目财务管理机制的借鉴与创新

    The Innovation and Reference of Finance Management Mechanism on Cooperative Afforestation Project between Germany and China

  19. 第一,存在项目组合管理机制有效性的质量控制和测量。

    First , there are controls and measures that qualify that the portfolio management governance mechanism is effective .

  20. 第二,存在项目组合管理机制在商定的参数(正确的且正当的运作)中运作质量的控制和测量。

    Second , there are controls and metrics that qualify that the portfolio management mechanism is operating within agreed parameters ( correct and allowable operation ) .

  21. 建立九江学院图书馆文化建设项目化管理机制,以项目管理促进图书馆文化的展示、传播及管理。

    Finally , it has established a project management mechanism of the library cultural construction of Jiujiang University , which may promote the library culture exhibition , propagation and management .

  22. 将通信设计项目进度管理机制引入到设计院的日常经营管理工作中,对于通信设计单位更好地适应新形势发展需要,提高市场竞争力具有十分重要的意义。

    It is significant for the designing units to adapt to the changing environments and enhance the market competitiveness by introducing the communication design project management mechanism into daily management and operation of the design institute .

  23. 故建议进一步提高科技特派员的认知水平,规范科技特派员选派机制,建立多渠道投入机制,完善项目资金管理机制,健全科技特派员创业机制。

    It is proposed to further improve the commissioners ' cognitive level , and standardize the chosen mechanism , and establish a multi-channel input mechanism , and improve the management of project funds , and improve the business mechanism .

  24. 河南省重点项目建设管理机制经过多年建设,虽形成较为完善的体系,但仍有一些需要改进和完善的地方,其运行效能仍有较大的提升空间。

    Key projects in Henan Province after years of construction management , Although the formation of a more perfect system , but there are still some areas for improvement and perfection , its operating performance there is still much room for improvement .

  25. 企业ERP项目管理中监理机制的研究

    The Research on the Supervision Mechanism of ERP Project Management

  26. 虚拟型研发项目团队的管理机制刍议

    The research to mechanism of virtual R & D project team

  27. 关于公路工程建设项目造价管理运行机制的探讨

    Discuss on management function mechanism of highway engineering construction item

  28. 项目法施工管理机制研究

    Study of Construction Management Systen with Project Standard

  29. 改革科学基金项目评审和管理机制的探讨

    Discussion on reforming the peer-review system and management mechanism of projects funded by NSFC

  30. 建立健全产品研发项目人力资源管理机制。

    Set up and perfect human resource management mechanism of product R & D projects .