
  • 网络RUBY;Ruby Red;rubine;Rubine Red
  1. 宝石红:一些葡萄酒所拥有的亮丽的红色,这类葡萄酒不带有棕色或紫色的色调。

    Ruby . Bright red colour of certain wines . Such wines are free from brown or purple tints .

  2. 品评记录:怡人的深宝石红以及强烈的紫罗兰高光色,新鲜成熟的果香,突出樱桃和玫瑰和谐交融和甜蜜,如巧克力和香料的花香型。

    Tasting Notes : Nice ruby red colour and intense violet highlights , fresh ripe fruit , cherry and rose harmony and sweet , such as chocolate , and spices flower scent .

  3. 在苏富比,传统物件的拍卖行情仍然不错,藏家张永珍(AliceCheng)雅藏的一只17世纪宝石红小茶碗,依然拍出了960万美元的高价。

    At Sotheby 's , the traditional fields did well , with a tiny 17th-century ruby-red tea bowl , sold by the collector Alice Cheng , making a tidy US $ 9.6m .

  4. 此款酒呈宝石红的色泽,酒体适中,气味中有巧克力和李子的芳香,余味匀和、绵长。

    It is medium bodied with aromas of chocolate and red plums and has a lingering harmonic finish .

  5. 它在夏末开出宝石红的花朵,不过叶丛的颜色是关键。

    It has ruby-red flowers in late summer , but the colour of the foliage is the thing .

  6. 这些葡萄生产的酒从颜色上被描述为石榴红、深黑、深红、淡红、宝石红、不透明紫色、深紫色、栗色,关于颜色的词还有好多。

    These grapes give rise to a wine that is color classified with such descriptors as garnet , almost black , dark red , light red , ruby red , opaque purple , deep violet , maroon and the list goes on .

  7. 在每一个晴朗无云的夜晚,当太阳从智利的阿塔卡马沙漠落下时,东方天际的安第斯火山的顶峰笼罩着一片耀眼的红色,这种宝石红与石榴红调和而成的色彩几乎在不知不觉中加深,直到与夜黑融为一体。

    As the sun sets over the Atacama Desert in Chile each reliably cloudless night , dazzling ruby red and garnet hues paint the volcanic Andes Mountain peaks in the eastern skyline , deepening almost imperceptibly until they are indistinguishable from black .

  8. 红珊瑚是珍贵的有机宝石,红珊瑚文化是中华民族灿烂历史文化瑰宝之一,它既有丰富的历史文化沉淀,又体现出浓厚而热烈的现代时尚。

    The red coral is the precious organic gemstones , and red coral culture is a splendid treasure of the superexcellent historical culture of Chinese people . It 's rich in the accumulation of historical culture , embodies the strongly and fiercely modern fashion .

  9. 品酒辞:美丽的宝石红色及石榴红的色调。

    Tasting Note : Deep ruby colour with garnet hue .

  10. 此酒呈宝石红色,带有红水果和果酱的芳香。

    This is a wine with a deep ruby red colour with red fruits and marmalade aromas .