
  1. 专家提醒,宝宝洗澡过于频繁可能会导致湿疹和皮疹等皮肤问题。

    Bathing babies too often may cause skin problems such as eczema and rashes , experts warn .

  2. 尽管新生儿的父母第一次为宝宝洗澡都会感到有点紧张,然而,这是与宝宝建立亲情,让他们逐渐适应这个惯例的时刻。

    Although parents of newborns may be somewhat nervous about the first bath , it should be a time to bond with the baby and get them gently accustomed to the routine .

  3. 请教你的医生什么时候可以给宝宝第一次洗澡,同时请教些新生儿卫生方面的基础问题。

    Ask your doctor when you should give your baby her first bath , and about basic infant hygiene .

  4. 儿童护理专家称,宝宝每周的洗澡次数应控制在两至三次,但由于父母生怕宝宝身上不干净,染上细菌,因此忽视了这个建议。

    Child-care experts say parents are ignoring advice to limit baths to two to three times a week due to concerns about keeping babies clean and germ free .

  5. 英国《妈咪宝贝》杂志的此项调查发现,60%的宝宝每天都洗澡,20%的宝宝每隔一天洗一次,仅有19%的宝宝是按照专家建议,每周洗两至三次。

    The British Mother And Baby magazine survey found six out of 10 babies were bathed every day , 20 per cent were bathed every other day and only 19 per cent were bathed the recommended two to three times a week .