
  • 网络hungarian music
  1. 欣赏匈牙利音乐的好去处&布达佩斯

    Budapest The Center Of Hungarian Music

  2. 其次,通过对匈牙利民间素材艺术特点的分析,证实《匈牙利狂想曲》中匈牙利音乐的艺术性在李斯特的创作中得到了体现,这种体现构成了《匈牙利狂想曲》艺术性的一个方面。

    Second , this thesis proposes the embodiment of the artistry of the Hungarian music in Liszt 's " Hungarian Rhapsodies " through an analysis of artistic characteristic in Hungary 's folk material , which is shown a respect of the artistry of " Hungarian Rhapsodies " .

  3. 他凭借着强烈的爱国思想和不断求索的专业态度,成功地将匈牙利民族音乐与西方高度的作曲技巧相结合。

    With the strong patriotism and professional exploring attitude , he succeeded in compounding the Hungary national music with the advanced international composing techniques .

  4. 其中,第一节介绍匈牙利的音乐传统与社会文化,第二节探讨20世纪中叶匈牙利的音乐流派与音乐风格,第三节论述作品美学思维与音乐结构思维的形成。

    Among them , the first section introduces the Hungarian music tradition and social culture , the second section discusses the middle of the twentieth Century Hungarian music genres and styles of music , the third part discusses the works of aesthetic thinking and musical structure thought formation .

  5. 巴托克到农村去收集真正的匈牙利马扎尔民间音乐,并且不仅仅局限于匈牙利,还扩展收集阿拉伯、土耳其、北非等地区的民间音乐。

    Bartok to the countryside to collect the real Hungarian Magyar folk music , and is not limited to Hungary , also expanded collection of Arabia , Turkey , North Africa and other regions of the folk music .

  6. 第三部分,是本文的主旨,从《匈牙利狂想曲》音乐语言中看其民族元素的运用。

    The third part , as this article gist , analyzed the application of national elements in terms of musical language of Hungarian rhapsody .

  7. 李斯特是匈牙利历史上世界级的音乐家之一,他把匈牙利的民族音乐推上了世界的舞台。

    Liszt was one of the world-class musicians in Hungarian history , and who had put Hungarian national music onto the stage in the world .

  8. 他最大的成就就是将匈牙利的民间曲调与现代作曲技法相结合,形成了具有个人风格的音乐语言,创作出匈牙利新的音乐艺术。

    His greatest achievement is combining the folk melody of Hungary with modern composing skill and technique , forming a personal style and musical language and creating " the new musical art " of Hungary .