
  • 网络Hungarian Revolution
  1. 他们是一些就算在匈牙利革命的日子里也举棋不定的人(马克穆罗)

    They are people who hung fire even through the bloody days of the Hungarian Revolution ( Mark Muro )

  2. 匈牙利革命对俄罗斯的统治已被辗碎的入侵俄罗斯和其他华沙公约组织力量对11月14日。

    The Hungarian Revolution against Russian domination had been crushed by the invasion of Russian and other Warsaw Pact forces on14 November .

  3. 我母亲两岁的时候,匈牙利革命爆发,于是外祖父母决定离开匈牙利。

    And when my mother was two years old , the Hungarian revolution was raging , and they decided to escape Hungary .

  4. 在整个匈牙利都出现了革命委员会。

    Revolutionary councils sprang up through out Hungary .

  5. 格罗夫出生于匈牙利一个犹太人家庭,本名安德拉什•格罗夫(AndrasGrof),1956年匈牙利革命被苏联镇压,格罗夫逃亡到美国,从此改名换姓。

    He was born Andras Grof to Hungarian Jewish parents , changing his name when he fled to the US as the 1956 uprising was put down by the Soviet Union .