
  1. 让孩子以轻松的心情分享阅读的快乐&试析讲述故事与幼儿早期阅读兴趣的培养

    Let Children Share the Pleasure of Reading with a Light Heart

  2. 辨认单词&早期阅读的技巧(英)

    RECOGNITION OF WORDS - Techniques at Early Stages of Reading ;

  3. 因此,早期阅读的研究具有重要的价值。

    Therefore , the early reading research has important value .

  4. 日常生活中的早期阅读指导

    How to Guide Infants to read in Their Daily Life

  5. 第二,完善早期阅读活动的实施。

    Secondly , teachers should improve implementation of the early reading activities .

  6. 对有关早期阅读的研究进行了分析、归纳,对相关的概念进行了界定,并且论述了本研究的研究意义和研究方法。

    Analysis the research on early reading and defined the related concepts .

  7. 重复阅读喜爱的书籍是早期阅读教育成功的标志。

    Repeated readings of favorite books are a hallmark of early reading success .

  8. 关于培养幼儿早期阅读兴趣的研究

    The Study of Young Children 's Interest of Reading

  9. 计算机辅助下的幼儿早期阅读研究

    A Study on the Value of the Computer in Assisting Infant Early Reading

  10. 幼儿早期阅读活动指导策略

    Directing Tactics of Reading Activities in Early Childhood

  11. 精加工策略在幼儿园早期阅读中的运用

    Application of Elaboration Strategies in Kindergarten Early Reading

  12. 第三部分阐述了精加工策略在幼儿园早期阅读中的运用。

    Part ⅲ argues the application of elaboration strategies in early reading in kindergarten .

  13. 另一方面,幼儿园集体早期阅读活动实施中的教学策略丰富且有效。

    Secondly , collective early reading activities have various teaching strategies that are effective .

  14. 看到一份早期阅读培养计划的时候,怎样才知道它是不是好的呢?

    How Do I Know a Good Early Reading Program When I See One ?

  15. 包括家长的早期阅读观念和阅读行为。

    Including reading concept of parents and the reading behavior of family members . 2 .

  16. 亲子分享阅读是20世纪80年代以来国外关于儿童早期阅读研究的一个热点话题。

    Shared-book reading is a hot topic about early child reading in abroad since 1980s .

  17. 学习理论对创设幼儿早期阅读环境的启示

    The Enlightenment That Learning Theories Have Derived on Creating an Early Reading Environment for Children

  18. 幼儿早期阅读潜能的开发对于个人阅读能力的发展具有重要的意义。

    It is important to develop children 's individual ability to read in their childhood .

  19. 3-5岁幼儿早期阅读材料的选择与指导实验研究

    Experimental Research on Selection Instruction of Early Reading Material for Infants Aged 3 & 5

  20. 成功的早期阅读教育为幼儿今后的学习打下良好的基础。

    Successful early reading education for young children lay a sound foundation for future learning .

  21. 从信息加工心理学的理论看早期阅读的教学策略

    On the Teaching and Learning Strategies of Nonage Reading Based on the Theory of Information-processed Psychology

  22. 但《金宝贝早期阅读讲座》是我听到的最有帮助的讲座。

    The " Gymboree ECD Reading Techniques " seminar has been the most helpful seminar indeed .

  23. 亲子分享阅读与儿童早期阅读能力的关系研究

    A Research on the Relation between Parent-child Shared Book Reading and Children 's Early Reading Ability

  24. 早期阅读的效应

    The effects of early reading

  25. 而目前国内的研究较多地关注幼儿园中的早期阅读教育,对于家庭中的早期阅读的研究相对薄弱。

    There is more attention on early reading in kindergarten but less in family in domestic research .

  26. 《金宝贝早期阅读讲座》中推荐的书,孩子都很喜欢。

    My child loves the wonderful books recommended by the " Gymboree ECD Reading Techniques " seminar .

  27. 婴幼儿图画书应该是最适合婴幼儿早期阅读的图书。

    Infant picture books shall be treated as the most important book for infant of this age period .

  28. 幼儿具有文字意识,其早期阅读能力随年龄的增长而提高。

    The baby has the writing consciousness , its early time reading knowledge enhances along with the age growth .

  29. 从幼儿园早期阅读现状,阐明选题的必要性和本研究的现实意义和指导意义。

    I clarify the necessity and the significance of this research though illustrating the early reading situation in kindergarten .

  30. 讲述故事对培养幼儿早期阅读兴趣能起到事半功倍的效果。

    Story-telling can yield twice the result with half the effort in cultivating children 's early interest in reading .