
  • 网络Morning News;morning show;morning edition;Breakfast News
  1. 据《达拉斯早间新闻》报道,一位来自德克萨斯70岁的老人在打扫房间时,发现一整套1957-1958年收集的棒球球星卡。老人叫DarwinDay,现居大草原城。他发现卡片背面有知识竞赛的广告,于是就决定参加玩玩。

    While cleaning his house , a 70-year-old Texas man discovered a full set of vintage Topps baseball cards from 1957 to 1958 , according to The Dallas Morning News . As a joke , Darwin Day , who lives in Grand Prairie , entered the gum company 's competition advertised on the back of the cards .

  2. 周日晚,卡丽?格雷西(CarrieGracie)在网上发布了一封辛辣的公开信,指责她的老板们对女员工采取“分而治之”的做法。在上周的部分时间里,格雷西担任了BBC主要早间新闻节目《今日》(Today)的嘉宾主持人。

    In a withering , open letter which she put online on Sunday night , Carrie Gracie - who spent part of last week as a guest anchor on Today , the BBC 's main morning news programme - accused her bosses of taking a " divide-and-rule " approach to female staff .

  3. 包括NBC电视台《今日》(Today)在内的一些早间新闻脱口秀节目,不时会引用所谓最新“研究成果”的耸人听闻的数据来挑战传统医学智慧。

    His aim : to debunk the type of " studies " typically cited on morning talk shows such as NBC 's Today thatpurport to challenge conventional medical wisdom withsurprising new data .

  4. 救援小组发言人KoMyung-seok在每日早间新闻通报中称,这名潜水员曾在发电站和水?建筑工地工作。

    The diver had worked on power-station and dam construction sites , mission spokesman Ko Myung-seok said at a daily morning briefing .

  5. 不要看早间新闻,它们大多是消极的。

    Skip the morning news on TV . It 's primarily negative .

  6. 他经常在电视上看早间新闻。

    He often watches the early morning news on TV .

  7. 早间新闻在观众中间很受欢迎。

    The morning news is very popular with the viewers .

  8. 问题8.女:你看早间新闻了吗?

    Question 8 . W : Did you read the Morning News ?

  9. 他每天早晨七点收看早间新闻。

    He the on TV at seven every morning .

  10. 我在早间新闻里看到了

    I saw it on the news this morning .

  11. 在这一天,甚至是早间新闻也会传播假消息。

    On this day , even the morning news broadcast can spread false news .

  12. 在早间新闻里他们那样说。

    They said so on the morning news .

  13. 他也是早间新闻秀的客座主持。

    He has also been a guest host on the channel 's breakfast show .

  14. 我们只看早间新闻。

    We only watch the morning news .

  15. 摩?米内蒂为了生孩子准备离开早间新闻节目《早安美国》。

    Mo Minetti was leaving the US / AM breakfast show to have a baby .

  16. 《舞动奇迹》获得了最佳才艺节目奖,《早间新闻》则获得了最佳实况杂志奖。

    Strictly Come Dancing won best talent show , with This Morning named best live magazine .

  17. 达拉斯早间新闻报道称,自该学区禁止体罚以来,达拉斯学校的停职数量不断上升。

    Dallas morning news reports s in Dallas schools have surged since the district ended paddling .

  18. 参议员约翰·麦凯恩接受《早间新闻》节目采访时表示,现在是停止美国对埃及援助的时候了。

    Senator John McCain told CNN This Morning it 's time to suspend US aid to Egypt .

  19. 我是《早间新闻》的编导,我们需要一位新的主播。

    Becky : I 'm the producer of Daybreak and we 're actually looking for a new anchor .

  20. 如果你正在和我们一起看早间新闻,你不得不看看这段。

    If you 're just joining us for the morning news , you have to see this one .

  21. 抓住这几点,打造早间新闻栏目的品牌,对我们日后的工作很有实际意义。

    Seize these points and creating a morning news columns brand are have practical significance to our future work .

  22. 早间新闻节目、报纸以及杂志常常会发布一些类似于占星术的血型分析,并探讨恋人间的血型相容性。

    Morning television shows , newspapers and magazines often publish blood type horoscopes and discuss relationship compatibility based on blood types .

  23. 同时,我也许很快能出现在你们所在的地区录制早间新闻以及出现在电台节目中。

    In the meantime , I will probably be in your area soon doing early morning TV shows and dodgy radio stations .

  24. 奥巴马在美国广播公司早间新闻节目上说,费拉罗的评论非常荒唐,而且具有分裂性。

    Senator Obama called Ferraro 's comments " patently absurd " and " divisive . " He spoke to ABC News'morning television show .

  25. 我父亲一起来要做的第一件事情便是阅读晨报或收听早间新闻。

    My father 's very first business of the day is to read the morning paper or to listen to the morning news .

  26. 上海早间新闻报道:周杰伦把这个情节计入到音乐会中,涉及的每一首歌曲他都会演唱。

    Jay Chou is incorporating plots into the concert , relating to each song he is going to play , according to the Shanghai Morning Post .

  27. 这之前,崔茜卡的播报事业完全局限于英国本土:地方新闻,然后是早间新闻、晚间新闻。

    Tricia 's TV anchoring had been done exclusively in Britain up to that point : regional news , then breakfast news , early evening news .

  28. 在早间新闻播报即将开始前,摄像机镜头距焦主持人,现年50岁的赛门麦考伊看起来像在小睡事后他还就此事开起了玩笑。

    Simon McCoy , 50 , looked like he was caught napping as cameras panned to the presenter ahead of his early broadcast a claim he later joked about .

  29. 这两天听早间新闻,主持人在讨论美国学校规定午餐不准说话的事。

    When I listened to the morning news in the past few days , the host and hostess discussed about the prohibition of talking during the lunch in American school .

  30. 从最初的《东方时空》到现在的《第一时间》、《看东方》,我国的早间新闻栏目在探索中不断发展。

    From the initial 《 Oriental Horizon 》 to the current 《 The first time 》,《 look at the Orient 》, China 's morning news columns are in the exploration and development .