
  • 网络water for elephant;Water of Elephants
  1. 尽管威瑟斯彭在2008年之后没有在荧屏露面,但她已提前拿到《你怎么知道》和《大象的眼泪》两部即将上映影片的片酬。

    Though Witherspoon has not been on screen since 2008 , she received advance paychecks for upcoming films , " How Do You Know " and " Water for Elephants . "

  2. 《大象的眼泪》主演之一、现年35岁的瑞茜•威瑟斯彭获得令人艳羡的世代奖。

    Water for Elephants co-star Reese Witherspoon , 35 , took home the coveted MTV Generation award .

  3. 在路易斯安那拍摄《暮光之城:破晓》的两人看上去非常像一对璧人,并且在温哥华享受了一个浪漫的夜晚。帕丁森的电影《大象的眼泪》的纽约首映式之后,这一对儿被拍到在一起热吻。

    After looking very " couple-like " while filming Breaking Dawn in Louisiana and enjoying a date night in Vancouver , the pair are photographed kissing after the New York premiere of Pattinson 's Water for Elephants .