
  • 网络The Good Lie;a beautiful lie
  1. 《美丽谎言》,克莱尔·克拉克著买。

    Beautiful Lies . By Clare Clark .

  2. 它编织了一个近乎逃避的美丽谎言,包罗万千天马行空的想象。

    It weaves the beauty of an almost escape lies , cover thousands of unrestrained imagination .

  3. 《美丽谎言》的女主角玛丽贝尔是智裔波西米亚人,嫁给了一位激进的社会主义分子爱德华·坎贝尔·劳伍。

    In " Beautiful Lies " Maribel is a Chilean bohemian married to a radical socialist , Edward Campbell Lowe .

  4. 克莱尔·克拉克偶然看见刊登在文学期刊上的一篇文章(描述19世纪90年代,一位英国自由党派人士兼国会议员的妻子,过着双重生活的故事)时,脑海中就浮现出了《美丽谎言》的女主角。

    CLARE CLARK found her new heroine when she unearthed an article in a literary journal about a British Liberal MP 's wife who had led a double life in the 1890s .

  5. 《美丽谎言》的魅力在于克拉克夫人通过描写客厅外的五彩斑斓的世界和主人公内心的深处,打破了维多利亚时期的普遍道德标准。

    The charm of " Beautiful Lies " is that Ms Clark breaks the usual Victorian moral code , exploring both the colourful world outside the drawing room and the depths of her characters ' minds .

  6. 我爱你,三个字,多么美丽的谎言。

    I love you , three characters , how beautiful rumor .

  7. 未来不过是时间设下的一个美丽的谎言。

    Future is just a pretty lie that made by time .

  8. 真正的爱情,只是一个美丽的谎言?

    Is true love , just a pretty lie ?

  9. 于是,我只好用美丽的谎言敷哄我如醉如痴的思念;

    So I had to coax deposited with beautiful lies mesmerized my thoughts ;

  10. 真是美丽的谎言虔诚的伎俩!

    The beautiful falsehood and the pious ruse !

  11. 虽然它可能是个美丽的谎言。

    Even if it 's a beautiful lie .

  12. “美丽的谎言”这个名字的产生有一个过程。

    The emergence of name " Beautiful Lies " went through a certain process .

  13. 原以为美好的园地已经只是美丽的谎言。

    It is original to think the already just beautiful lies in fine garden area .

  14. 概:《美丽的谎言》这个系列的创作是什么时候开始的?

    Gai : When did you begin the creation of this series " Beautiful Lies "?

  15. 有时候真相可能会让人痛苦和不愉快,但这比美丽的谎言好得多。

    Sometimes this truth can be bitter and unpleasant , but its better than sweet lies .

  16. 有时也会说一些美丽的谎言,令人开心有甚么不对。

    Sometimes also can say some beautiful rumors , what happy do have not to be right .

  17. 在这个系列的创作中,就有了“美丽的谎言”这个主题。

    In the creation of this series , the theme " Beautiful Lies " came into being .

  18. 他们常常不由自主地把生活和作秀混为一谈,生活中也象在演戏一样,充斥着美丽的谎言。

    They unconsciously mix their life with the show , they act in real life , full of beautiful illusions .

  19. 如果我们确信时空无限是真实的,那么,我们就必须得相信,这世上所有的寓言、信仰、故事、骗局与美丽的谎言等等都是有可能存在的。

    If we do believe that the space and time are unbound , we have to believe that all fable , brief , story and beautiful lies might possibly exist .

  20. 电光火石之间就想出那么美丽的一个谎言…那丫头绝对不是小丑。

    Coming up with a lie like that in the moment -- that girl is no clown .

  21. 你会了解到不论一个真理多么难以接受却都会比不论多么美丽的一条谎言给带给你更多的力量。

    You 'll learn that the truth , no matter how hard , always strengthens you more than a lie , no matter how nice .