
  • 网络Big Little Lies
  1. 梅丽尔·斯特里普确认参演HBO制作的《大小谎言》第二季。

    Meryl Streep has been cast in season two of the HBO series Big Little Lies .

  2. 当晚的第一个奖项授予了好莱坞最有影响力的女性之一妮可·基德曼,表彰她在HBO电视网出品的电视剧《大小谎言》中的精彩表现。

    The first award of the night went to one of Hollywood ' s most powerful women , Nicole Kidman , for her performance in HBO 's The Big Little Lies .

  3. 此外,据《Vogue》杂志报道,自从电视剧《大小谎言》播出后,去加州蒙特利的游客数量大增(不过游客要是知道该剧大部分都是在马里布和大苏尔拍摄的,恐怕会感到失望);

    In addition , Vogue reported that Monterey , California had seen a bump in tourism since Big Little Lies premiered ( those visitors might be disappointed to learn that much of it was filmed in Malibu and Big Sur ) ;

  4. 在大小谎言之间权衡轻重对海利来说是家常便饭。

    Haley was accustomed to strike the balance of probabilities between lies of greater or lesser magnitude .

  5. 詹妮弗·劳伦斯重回榜单,险胜第五名因电影和美剧《大小谎言》的片酬收入的瑞茜。

    Just ahead of Witherspoon , who rejoins the list with movie earnings and Big Little Lies paychecks , is Jennifer Lawrence .

  6. 剧本是作者莉安·莫里亚蒂基于《大小谎言》原著创作的。

    The scripts are based on a story by Liane Moriarty , author of the Big Little Lies book that the original mini was based on .

  7. 一同播放的预告片有回归的美剧《副总统》和《权力的游戏》,但观众们看到《大小谎言》第二季时,非常激动。

    Along with shots of the return of Veep and Game of Thrones , viewers got a peak at the second season of Big Little Lies .

  8. 在第21次入围奥斯卡提名后,梅丽尔·斯特里普确认加盟《大小谎言》第二季并饰演虐待狂亚历山大·斯卡斯加德的母亲。

    Meryl Streep has been cast in season two of Big Little Lies as the mother to Alexander Skarsgard 's abusive Perry ... after getting 21st Oscar nod

  9. 当被问到她是否会把查拉梅写进另一部备受期待的即将回归的大热剧集《大小谎言》第二季中时,邓恩基本上就像是在说“当然是啦!”。

    And , when asked if she would write Chalamet into her other big , highly-anticipated ensemble hit , HBO 's Big Little Lies , which is returning for a second season , Dern was basically like " HELL YES . "

  10. 这部剧在演员阵容中已经有相当多的交叉。邓恩说:“梅丽尔·斯特里普出演过《小妇人》,也出演过《大小谎言》。所以她和我不得不接连着做两件事,这曾经是一个梦想。

    There 's already quite a bit of crossover in the casts . " Meryl Streep , who is also in Little Women , is also in Big Little Lies . So she and I got to do two things in a row , which was a dream , " Dern said .