
  1. 希哈诺:我亲爱的爱人,我从没爱过你!

    Cyrano : My dear love , I never loved you !

  2. 爱过你。是很美的一段梦境。因此。

    Has loved you Is very beautiful section of dreamlands Therefore .

  3. 爱过你,失去你我才知道要珍惜。

    Please don 't go away . I need you now .

  4. “是的,我从来没有爱过你,也永远不会爱上你。

    I have never loved you , and I never can .

  5. 我因毫无希望而默默无语地深爱过你,

    Hopeless and tongue-tied , yet I loved you dearly ,

  6. 我曾经爱过你。爱情

    I loved you ; and perhaps I love you still

  7. 我不愿再使你难过悲伤。我爱过你。

    I have no wish to cause you any sorrow .

  8. 但他可能爱过你,那就足够了。

    But maybe he loved you and that 's something .

  9. 我一直记得爱过你。

    I 'll always remember that I 've loved you .

  10. 我从没爱过你凯瑟琳是你强迫我的

    I was never in love with you , Katherine.You compelled me .

  11. 我曾爱过你,这颗心永难平静;

    I loved you once , nor can this heart be quiet ;

  12. 我好像曾经爱过你无数次,无数种方式

    I seem to have loved you in numberless forms , numberless times

  13. 我不得不说,我从来没有爱过你。

    I * I have to say that I dont love you anymore .

  14. 请忘记我曾经深深的爱过你。

    Please remember I was loving you so deep .

  15. 我一生里面,只爱过你一个人。

    You are the only love of my life .

  16. 最重要的是,我真的没有爱过你!

    The most important thing is , I really did not love you !

  17. 鬼才爱过你,你以为,我以前真的很爱你吗?

    Guicai loved you , you think , before I really love you ?

  18. 用尽那人尽皆知的嫉妒与怯懦的剧痛爱过你。

    With pangs the jealous and the timid know .

  19. 我爱过你,如此温柔,如此真挚,

    So tenderly I loved you , so sincerely ,

  20. 说实话,我曾爱过你。

    Truth be told , I did love you .

  21. 如果他没有回来,那他就没有爱过你。

    If they don 't , their love was never yours to begin with .

  22. 难道从来没有人爱过你吗

    You never had someone to love you ?

  23. 我爱过你,在很久很久以前

    I loved you baby , way back when

  24. 伍迪:抱抱熊,她爱过你。

    Woody : She loved you , Lotso .

  25. 你以为曾经有人爱过你么?

    Do U think someone ever loved U ?

  26. 至少我曾经深深爱过你。

    I had loved you deeply at least .

  27. 是否他必须死了,才会让你意识到他爱过你?

    Did he have to die * for you to recognize that he loved you ?

  28. 至少在我属于演出的时间里,也曾拼尽全力爱过你。

    At least in my show time , I try my best to love you .

  29. 我曾经那样真诚、那样温柔地爱过你,但愿上帝保佑你,另一个人也会像我一样地爱你。

    God grant you find another who will love you As tenderly and truthfully as I.

  30. 我也不想再使你难过悲伤。我曾经默默无语地,毫无指望的爱过你,

    Silently and hopelessly I loved you ,