
  1. 我爱过她,但现在对她再也没什么感情了。

    I used to love her but she 's nothing to me any more .

  2. 因为他曾经爱过她,她现在仍能对他产生影响。

    Because he once loved her , she still has a hold on him .

  3. 她爱过度地生气。

    She has an excess of anger .

  4. 我爱你胜过任何曾经爱过的人。

    I love you more than anyone has ever loved .

  5. 我从没有像爱你一样爱过任何一个女人。

    I love you more than I 've ever loved any woman .

  6. 保罗西蒙(PaulSimon)在其早期歌曲我是一块磐石(IAmaRock)中更加直接地表达了这种利弊权衡:假如我从没爱过,我就决不会伤心地哭泣。

    Paul Simon expressed the trade-off more directly in his early song I Am a Rock : If I never loved I never would have cried .

  7. 希哈诺:我亲爱的爱人,我从没爱过你!

    Cyrano : My dear love , I never loved you !

  8. 只要你被某人爱过,那麽你就是个赢家。

    If you are loved by somebody , than you win .

  9. 在你最珍贵的记忆中,你还记得你爱过我吗?

    In your dearest memories , do you remember loving me ?

  10. 自己。我从来没有象爱我自己那样爱过别人。

    I never loved another person the way I loved myself .

  11. 爱过你。是很美的一段梦境。因此。

    Has loved you Is very beautiful section of dreamlands Therefore .

  12. 你曾爱过的那个女子。她已不在。

    The girl you loved before is not here any more .

  13. 爱过你,失去你我才知道要珍惜。

    Please don 't go away . I need you now .

  14. 这就是爱过的代价!会伴我一生!

    This has loved the price ! Can accompany my life !

  15. 我爱过她!不以为耻!

    I loved her . I 'm not ashamed of it .

  16. 我真的,真的,真的爱过吉尔。

    I really , really , really , really loved jill .

  17. 他将怎么个活法?他命中注定的是:“从来没有被人爱过。”

    It was his fate to be beloved by no one .

  18. 她写信问他是否爱过她。

    She wrote asking him if he had ever loved her .

  19. 一生中,我另外只爱过一次。

    I 've only had one other crush in my life .

  20. 谁年轻时没爱过几个人渣。

    FC2 who loved a few scumbag when I was young .

  21. 没有哪个主人真正爱过自己的玩具

    Ain 't one kid ever loved a toy , really .

  22. 我说有钱没爱过的是什么日子?

    I can 't image how is the life without love .

  23. 渭耶过她,偶然她也爱过我。

    I loved her , and sometimes she loved me too .

  24. 无论最后结果如何,都依然坚持说我曾经爱过。

    Whatever the final outcome , still insisted that I loved .

  25. 你从来没爱过他对吗

    You were never in love with him , were you ?

  26. 他听她说她从未爱过他。

    He heard her declare that she had never loved him .

  27. 哦,你爱过她吗?

    I see , we 're you in love with her ?

  28. 爱过,恨过,喜过,也悲过。

    Has loved , has hated , happy , also sad .

  29. 谢谢你曾让我这样的爱过祢。

    Thanked you once to let me such love you .

  30. 不是怀念他,只是怀念我爱过他罢了。

    Not miss him , but miss and I loved him delibrately .