
  • 网络Heat;The Big Heat
  1. 结果表明,Ti及Ti的复合氧化物具有促进晶内针状铁素体形核的能力,大热输入焊接时HAZ的低温韧性显著提高。

    The results showed that Ti and Ti compound oxides could promote the formation of acicular ferrite , the low temperature toughness of high heat input welding HAZ significantly improved .

  2. 新研制610D大热输入焊接热模拟组织性能分析

    Analysis on Microstructure and Properties of New-developed 610D After High Heat Input Welding by Thermal Simulation

  3. 继大热的“A4腰”后,“i6腿”本周在中国的互联网上又掀起一股热潮。之前,不少中国女性在网上上传个人照片,证明自己的腰只有A4纸那么宽。

    Following the much hyped ' A4 Waist ' , viral trend -- in which Chinese woman posted photos of themselves to prove they were as skinny as an A4 sheet of paper -- the ' iPhone6 Legs ' have taken the Chinese internet by storm this week .

  4. 乍一看开叉裙,好像是穿错了衣服:步伐迈得过大,你的大腿就走光了。然而今年夏天,开叉裙却成了大热的时尚单品,柔软的古铜色美腿通过裙上那一个精致的开口绽放美丽。

    At first glance , the split skirt sounds like a wardrobe malfunction , bronzed legs can break out .

  5. 花巷推出了品牌大热香水同款的身体乳,成为全身柔和香氛的完美选择。

    Floral Street have released their most popular scents as creams , making them perfect for a gentle scent across the body .

  6. 今年春节假期,除了电影票房大热之外,河南卫视春晚的舞蹈节目《唐宫夜宴》也火出了圈。由郑州歌舞剧院创作的古典舞《唐宫夜宴》亮相2021年河南春晚后在社交媒体平台上走红,受到网友的广泛赞誉。

    The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much acclaim at the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala .

  7. 当蠢笨且表情夸张的日本动漫人物遇上免费短信和语音通话技术,两者的结晶就是日本唯一一款在海外大热的应用&连我(Line)。

    What do you get if you cross emoting , goofy manga characters with free messaging and calls ?

  8. 除非开发者们相信Fire将大热,否则不会有大量针对这款手机开发的应用。

    There won 't be a flood of new apps until developers are persuaded that it 's going to take off .

  9. 也就是说,就在英特尔进军一个大热的全新领域的同时,ARM正在挥师进攻一个传统阵地。

    That will leave Intel breaking into a hot new sector just as arm begins cracking open an old-line market .

  10. 从流行文化中你或许能瞥见些许端倪,例如大热的浪漫喜剧电影《北京遇上西雅图》(FindingMr.Right)、美国情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)等等。

    Pop culture may hold some clues , from blockbuster rom-com ' Finding Mr. Right ' to U.S. sitcom ' The Big Bang Theory . '

  11. 这部大热剧集的第二季将会以Sarah拼命地寻找她失踪的女儿为主要故事情节。

    Season 2 of the hit series will find Sarah desperately racing to find her missing daughter .

  12. 两位演员在HBO大热剧集《权力的游戏》的拍摄现场相遇并坠入爱河。

    They met and fell in love on the set of the HBO hit series .

  13. 派拉蒙影业公司和J·J·艾布拉姆斯的坏机器人电影公司携手拿下了日本大热动画电影《你的名字》的改编权。

    Paramount Pictures and J.J. Abrams ' Bad Robot have won the rights to adapt the blockbuster Japanese animated movie " Your Name . "

  14. 众所周知,在金州勇士队的史蒂芬-库里大热之前,雷-阿伦都曾是NBA里最伟大的投手。

    It 's no secret that Allen was the greatest shooter in NBA history until Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry got hot .

  15. 34岁的Shaun认为,这种革命性的运动方式一定会大热。

    The 34-year-old is convinced that it will revolutionize fitness as we know it .

  16. 目前大热的WhatsApp发布于2009年,支持苹果、谷歌(Google)Android、WindowsPhone和黑莓(BlackBerry)等多个平台。

    Launched in 2009 , WhatsApp works on apple , Google ( GOOG ) Android , windows ( MSFT ) phone and blackberry ( bbry ) devices .

  17. 大热的《江南style》终于流传到了美国白宫。在被问及全球掀起的这股流行文化风潮时,奥巴马总统简单地回答说:我觉得我也能跳骑马舞。

    The pop culture phenomenon known as Gangnam Style has finally reached the highest office of the United States . When asked about the craze , President Obama simply remarked , I think I can do that move .

  18. 在供应链提速方面,Gap落在了姐妹品牌之后,这使其无法迅速对大热或受冷的时尚潮流做出反应,也无法迅速应对H&M和优衣库的动作。

    Gap was slower than its sister brands to speed up its supply chain , handcuffing it when it comes to responding to fashion hits or misses and reacting to what H & M and Uniqlo do .

  19. (这是Tapulous游戏公司又一次盗用了《吉他英雄》,随后,该公司推出音乐游戏《TapTapRevolution》,成为iPhone上首个大热的游戏。)

    ( then again , it was Tapulous that stole guitar hero first , making tap tap revolution into the first major iPhone gaming hit . )

  20. SPRR-300反应堆大热柱内中子注量率及能谱分布

    Neutron Fluence Rate and Energy Spectrum in SPRR-300 Reactor Thermal Column

  21. 毛里求斯2013年泰国成了中国观光客眼中的大热旅游地,一定程度上应当感谢2012年的叫座影片《泰囧》(LostinThailand),这部“兄弟喜剧”不断冲刷着票房纪录。

    MAURITIUS Thailand became a major destination for the Chinese in 2013 , thanks in large part to the 2012 box-office hit ' Lost in Thailand , ' a buddy-comedy that smashed box office records .

  22. 卡梅隆对白人救世主寓言的运用并不是《阿凡达Avatar》全球大热的原因。

    Cameron 's handling of the White Messiah fable is not the reason " Avatar " is such a huge global hit .

  23. 在特征冻结温度(300K)下观察到一个大热滞效应。

    A large thermal hysteresis is observed below a characteristic freezing temperature ( 300 K ) .

  24. 任天堂公司将于12月15日在全球发布苹果公司iPhone和iPad版的《超级玛丽跑酷》。自今夏《精灵宝可梦Go》大热后,任天堂此次推出的产品备受期待,成功的“门槛”也很高。

    Nintendo Co will release Super Mario Run worldwide for Apple Inc 's iPhone and iPad on Dec 15 , a highly anticipated launch that has a high bar for success after this summer 's Pokemon Go phenomenon .

  25. 根据惠誉(FitchRatings)去年发布的一份特别报告,所谓的“非正式证券化”在中国大热(2010年被叫停)。

    So-called informal securitization became popular ( but was then frozen in 2010 ) in China , according to a special report published last year by Fitch Ratings .

  26. 亚瑟小子大热的R&B歌手在7月5日马里布的上映期时准备给他最小的儿子UsherRaymondV和另一个玩伴推着秋千。

    USHER The hot R & B crooner gets ready to give his youngest son Usher Raymond V , and another playmate a playful push during a July 5 playdate in Malibu .

  27. 提出了对双折射光纤Sagnac滤波器的自动补偿方案,将其粘贴在大热膨胀系数的基底材料上,使双折射光纤Sagnac滤波器自动补偿其光谱波长对温度产生的漂移。

    We present a novel automatic compensation method in which a Sagnac loop filter is fixed to a material with a large thermal expansion constant .

  28. 在这段大热视频数百万的观众当中,越来越多的明星表达了自己对这个视频的喜爱之情,比如凯蒂-佩里、罗比-威廉姆斯、乔诗-葛洛班。妮莉-费塔朵还在最近的演唱会上现场模仿了《江南style》。

    Of millions watching the viral video , there are a growing number of celebrities expressing their love for the song , including Katy Perry , T-Pain , Robbie Williams , Josh Groban , and Nelly Furtado , who performed some of the song at a recent concert .

  29. 聚氯乙烯(PVC)是五大热塑性通用塑料之一,在各个领域中都具有相当广泛的应用,由于其突出的耐久性和综合性能优势,以及独特的技术经济特点,发展前景广阔。

    Polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) is one of the five thermoplastic general plastics and it is widely used in various fields . Due to its superior durability and comprehensive properties and unique technical and economic characteristics , PVC has broad prospects .

  30. 该交易的内容之一是,《我的世界》的瑞典开发商Mojang旗下员工将加入微软工作室(MicrosoftStudios);后者已经发行过一些游戏,比如大热的《光晕》(Halo)。

    As part of the deal , employees of Mojang , the Swedish developer that created Minecraft , will join Microsoft Studios , which already publishes games like the blockbuster Halo .