
shǒu jì
  • Handwriting;take notes oneself;take note with one's own hand;handwritten note
手记 [shǒu jì]
  • (1) [take note with one's own hand]∶亲手记录

  • (2) [handwritten note]∶亲手写的记录

  • 他晚年的手记

手记[shǒu jì]
  1. 新编辑手记用浮动零点法消除温度对SAW加速度计测量准确度的影响

    On the New SAW Accelerometer with Floating Zero

  2. 新编辑手记RTM用BMI树脂的研究

    New bismaleimide resin for RTM

  3. (2+1)维非线性Burgers方程变量分离解和新型孤波结构新编辑手记

    Variable separation solution and new soliton structures in the ( 2 + 1 ) - dimensional nonlinear Burgers equations

  4. 新编辑手记N&酰基ED3A是一种新型的表面活性剂。

    N acyl ED3A is a new type of surfactant .

  5. CSJ型超级震击器新编辑手记

    New super fishing jar

  6. P.O.P广告新潮新编辑手记

    New Trend of P.O.P Advertisement

  7. FTC-2000新型高级教练机新编辑手记

    China 's New Advanced Trainer

  8. In2Pay解决方案可通过一个小的MicroSD卡工作,把MicroSD卡插在手记的存储卡插槽内即可使用手机支付服务。

    The In2Pay solution works by way of a small microSD card that 's inserted into a phone 's memory slot to enable the device for mobile payments .

  9. 新编辑手记唾液替代品对致龋变形链球菌的作用观察

    The Effect Observation of A New Salivary Substitute on Streptococcus Mutants

  10. 新编辑手记日本高速铁路环境影响评价动态

    The Development in Environment Assessment of New Railway Line in Japan

  11. 记者手记:新土地补偿改变规则地价水涨船高?

    Reporter Notes : New rules changing land compensation premium rises ?

  12. 货币符号的历史记忆&江宏作品手记

    The History Memories Of Currency Notes-On the Works of Jiang Hong

  13. 新型液压桩锤锤头主体结构新编辑手记

    The main structure of hammer head of new-type hydraulic pressure hammer

  14. 陀思妥耶夫斯基《地下室手记》评论史综述

    History Summary of Literary Reviews on Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky

  15. 新编辑手记论人类因素在弗罗斯特诗歌中的重要体现

    On embodiment of human factor in Frost 's new poems

  16. 新编辑手记乡村居民点布局调整思路初探

    New ideas for the layout and adjustment of rural settlements

  17. 新型节油剂在燃油锅炉中的应用新编辑手记

    The application of a new fuel oil additive in oil fired boiler

  18. 坡地建筑园林化的探索&常青乐园建筑设计手记

    Approaching for Hilly Architectural Horticulture The Note of Changqing Paradise Architectural Design

  19. 放不出与贷不到的矛盾&四川省南充市农村金融供求调查手记

    Investigation on Situation of Rural Finance in Nanchong , Sichuan

  20. 新型阻燃聚合物多元醇的合成研究新编辑手记

    Study on the Synthesis of New Flame Retardant Copolymer Polyol

  21. 新编辑手记诉讼保险:二十一世纪新型诉讼救助

    Insurance of litigation : New litigation aid in 21 centuries

  22. 有备忘录,会议记录,官方档案,口头讨论的手记。

    Minutes of meetings , official flies , notes of verbal discussions .

  23. 新编辑手记反讽与《故事新编》的思想内蕴

    Irony and Thought Connotation of New Redaction from Old Story

  24. 水泥预分解窑模糊模型的建立新编辑手记

    Construction of A Fuzzy Model of New Suspension Preheater Kiln

  25. 板式换热器设计选型的一种计算方法新编辑手记

    A new computation method for designing selection of plate type heat exchangers

  26. 若干莽草酸衍生物的合成和生物活性研究新编辑手记

    Studies on the synthesis and bioactivity of some new shikimic acid derivatives

  27. 新编辑手记对有意味性新新壶类的思考

    On the post - New teapots with symbolizing characteristics

  28. 为孩子、为人民走近贫困&报告文学创作手记

    Notice Poverty for Our Children and People : Record of the Reportage Creation

  29. 新编辑手记泡沫金属是近年来发展起来的一种新型材料。

    Foamed metal is a new kind of material .

  30. 新编辑手记在此基础上,通过实例应用证明了算法的有效性。

    The validity of the new algorithm has been verified by some instances .