
  1. 美国疾病控制预防中心建议,在弄不到肥皂和水来防止甲型H1N1流感的传播时,要使用含酒精的手部消毒液。当奥巴马总统响应这一建议后,一些药店都售磬了。

    Some drug stores sold out after Barack Obama echoed the CDC 's recommendation that people use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water aren 't available to help stop the spread of swine flu .

  2. 肥皂和水去除的病毒略多于三种含酒精的手部消毒液。

    Soap and water removed slightly more virus than three alcohol-based hand rubs .

  3. 她大约在两周前打了流感疫苗,并在教室里使用手部消毒杀菌剂。

    She got a flu shot about two weeks ago and is armed with hand sanitizer in the classroom .

  4. 护士手部皮肤消毒液优选实验研究

    The study for optimum disinfectant to nurse 's hands during mass transfusion

  5. 目的:探讨护士集中注射时手部的消毒方法。

    Objective : To investigate for Sterilization method of nurses ' hands when mass injection .

  6. 这是在通常情况下,繁忙的医护卫生工作者平均所用的手部清洁以及消毒时间。

    That represented the average length of time researchers observed busy health-care personnel washing or otherwise disinfecting their hands at work .