
  1. 中文摘要:在具有血缘关系的家庭中发生H5N1家庭聚集性病例,被认为是存在遗传易感性的证据。

    AB : The apparent clustering of human cases of influenza A ( H5N1 ) among blood relatives has been considered as evidence of genetic variation in susceptibility .

  2. 56例属于聚集性病例,66例有同类病例接触史(33.33%)。

    56 belonged to cluster cases and 66 had history of contact SARS patients .

  3. 他表示:即便有少数的家庭聚集性病例出现,也不意味着病毒已经具备了有效人传人的能力。

    Even if a small number of family cluster infections appear , it would not mean the virus had already achieved the ability of effective human-to-human transmission , he said .

  4. 方法利用国家疾病监测信息管理系统导出卡片,筛查得出聚集性病例,利用SPSS11.5软件统计分析对降低爆发疫情的作用。

    Methods Using National Electronic Disease Surveillance System to output cards and screen for clustered cases , and statistically analyze its effect on reducing disease outbreaks with SPSS 11.5 software .

  5. 结果2006年1~9月共监测到聚集性病例77起,通过现场处置,65起疫情被控制无新增发病;

    Results Monitoring from January to September 2006 , there were 77 reports of clustered cases in all , and with site management , 65 reports were controlled without any new incidence .

  6. 世卫组织表示,间接导致这第二起聚集性病例的是尼日利亚首都拉各斯7月份出现第一起埃博拉聚集性病例时发生的一次隔离失误,而这一次的问题有可能要严重得多。

    The W.H.O. said this second cluster had indirectly resulted from a quarantine lapse in the first cluster of Ebola cases that hit Lagos , the capital , in July , and was potentially far more serious .

  7. 在3月中,发生了新的聚集性裂谷热病例。

    In mid-March , new clusters of Rift Valley Fever cases occurred .

  8. 2006-2007年浙江省杭州市聚集性流感样病例疫情特征

    Features of influenza like illness epidemics in Hangzhou , Zhejiang province , 2006-2007

  9. 贵州省1997~2000年高危急性弛缓性麻痹病例及聚集性临床符合脊髓灰质炎病例分析

    Analysis of High Risk AFP Cases and Cluster Clinical Polio Compatible Cases in 1997-2000 in Guizhou Province

  10. 经调查发现,新增病例与7月份乌鲁木齐市聚集性疫情无关,病例溯源工作正在进行。

    Investigation shows that the new cases have no relation to the cluster in Urumqi in July , and source tracing the new ones is underway .

  11. 这是我省首次发生的甲型H1N1流感聚集性疫情,至此,该院聚集性疫情确诊病例数已增至23例。

    This is the first province occurred in clusters of influenza A H1N1 influenza epidemic , now , the hospital gathered the number of confirmed cases of the epidemic has increased to23 cases .