
  1. 梁剑平补充说,去年金丝桃素通过了科技部的鉴定。

    He added that hypercine passed the Chinese Ministry of Science 's evaluation process last year .

  2. 金丝桃素新制剂是由兰州畜牧与兽药研究所梁剑平等研究人员近期研制成功的一种以金丝桃素为主要活性成分的蛋白络合物。

    The new preparations of hypericin was developed by Prof. Liang successfully , it is hypericin protein-bound complex .

  3. 但是这种提取物还没有获得药品证书,这是因为目前对付禽流感的官方政策是宰杀被感染的禽鸟而不是治疗它们。目前,梁剑平正在进行小鼠试验,以准备把这种药物发展为人用。

    The extract has not been licensed as a drug , however , because official policy now is to cull infected birds rather than treat them .

  4. 梁剑平还表示,他今年早些时候曾经被邀请到越南,在河内附近的几个农场使用过金丝桃素,并取得了很好的效果。

    Liang says he was invited to Vietnam earlier this year to help fight bird flu there , and that hypercine had proved effective in several poultry farms near the capital , Hanoi .