
  1. 宋朝的梁楷,创立泼墨写意人物画。

    Song dynasty , liankai , Institute Chinese wash ink freehand brushwork character .

  2. 第二部分汇总了历代著录中记载的梁楷作品,可知他的作品在各个题材上都有涉及,尚不包括未著录的。

    We could find that his works involved in various subjects , even not include the woks unrecorded .

  3. 梁楷是南宋时期的画家,能画山水花鸟,尤擅释道儒人物画。

    Liang Kai was a painter in Southern Song Dynasty , excelled at painting landscapes , figures , flowers and birds , especially known in figures of Buddhist , Taoist , and the lofty gentleman .

  4. 此后也有不少画家着力追求高度简练的线条来表现丰富的内容,如南宋梁楷的减笔等画法都体现出高度的艺术技巧。

    Since then many artists focus on the pursuit of a high degree of simple lines to express the rich content , such as the Southern Song Dynasty by the Liang Kai painting pens , etc. all reflect a high degree of artistic skills .