
liánɡ shì qiáo
  • Beam bridge;girder bridge
  1. 梁式桥体外预应力技术几个问题的探讨

    An exploration of problems concerning external prestress of girder bridge

  2. 梁式桥是具有悠久历史的桥梁结构体系。

    Beam bridge is a structural system with a long history .

  3. 梁式桥静力体系划分教学案例分析

    Teaching Case for Static System Division of Beam Bridge

  4. 梁式桥的桥面病害与防治

    Disease of Bridge Floor and Preventing and Curing of the Roof Beam Type Bridge

  5. 运用改进一次二阶矩法对梁式桥在超载作用下挠度的可靠性分析

    Analysis of Reliability of Utilizing Improved First Moment of Second Order on Deflection under Overload Action of Girder Type Bridge

  6. 在公路建设中广泛使用到中小桥梁,这类桥梁通常采用结构简单、技术成熟的梁式桥,但常带来工程隐患。

    The bridge in medium - and pint-size , which is widely applied in the highway construction , usually adopts girder type with simplified structure and recognized technology .

  7. 对健康监测系统监测项目确定原则及内容进行研究,给出建议的梁式桥、拱式桥、斜拉桥及悬索桥监测项目。

    Through study of health monitoring system for monitoring project determined principles and content , suggests a beam bridge , arch bridge , cable-stayed bridge and suspension bridge monitoring project .

  8. 梁式桥是目前市政及公路工程中大量采用的桥梁形式,梁体混凝土浇注要针对不同型式的桥梁采用不同的施工方法。

    Beam bridge is a bridge type which is mass used now in municipal and highway projects . The concreting of the beam body shall use the different construction methods according to the different types of bridges .

  9. 根据混凝土梁式桥结构特点和已有研究结果,建立了基于可靠度的考虑横向连接损伤的混凝土梁式桥安全性评定等级,采用层次分析法建立了单主梁和多主梁混凝土梁式桥评定模型和评定方法。

    According to the structural characteristics and research results of concrete beam bridges , safe assessment grades was established based on reliability and transverse connection damage . And assessment model and method was founded by means of Analytic Hierarchy Process .

  10. ⑵传感器系统设计研究。研究确定了传感器的分类、选型原则及布设要求,给出建议的梁式桥、拱式桥、斜拉桥及悬索桥传感器布设要求。

    ⑵ Research of sensor system design Study to determine the classification of the sensor , the principle of selection and the laid requirements , suggests a beam bridge , arch bridge , cable-stayed and suspension bridge sensor laid requirements .