
  • 网络Isabella;Isabella Leung;isabella leong
  1. 否则,我们如何能断定梁洛施在这段感情中曾经快乐呢?

    Otherwise , how can we tell Leong was happy in the relationship ?

  2. 梁洛施曾经被媒体称作“灰姑娘”。

    Isabella Leong has been called a " Cinderella " by the media .

  3. 有报道称梁洛施准备出演徐克的新戏。

    Leong is reportedly set to star in an upcoming Tsui Hark project .

  4. 对于当时刚刚吹过18支生日蜡烛的梁洛施来说,这已经很不错了。

    Not bad for someone who at the time has yet to blow out18 candles .

  5. 《伊莎贝拉》让梁洛施成为了柏林电影节上的国际新星,这是她的突破点。

    Isabella is Isabella Leong 's breakthrough , making her a new international star in the Berlin Movie Festival .

  6. 如今梁李分手,人们议论纷纷,就好像梁洛施要开始实施什么大计划一般。

    Now that it 's splitsville , people talk about it as if Leong had a master plan to begin with .

  7. 凤凰网正在进行一项调查,询问人们;如果换做你,你是否愿意做梁洛施。

    The website iFeng.com is running a survey , asking people if they , given the chance , would be willing to be in Leong 's shoes .

  8. 众所周知,李泽楷,这个梁洛施为其连添三丁的男人,碰巧有个身为亚洲首富的老爸。

    You see , Richard Li , the man with whom she has had three sons , has a father who happens to be the richest man in Asia .

  9. 当然,身置娱乐圈中可谓背靠大树好乘凉即使在长时间隐退之后亦是如此。有报道称梁洛施准备出演徐克的新戏。

    Of course , showbiz is a good profession to fall back on - even after a long absence . Leong is reportedly set to star in an upcoming Tsui Hark project .

  10. 2005年,梁洛施首次“触电”,拍了罗志良导演的《虫不知》,并为此获得了第42届金马奖和第25届香港电影金像奖最佳新演员提名。

    In2005 , she made her film debut in Law Chi-leung 's ② Bugs Me Not , for which she was nominated Best New Performer at the42nd Golden Horse Awards and the25th Hong Kong Film Awards .