
qiáo liánɡ shànɡ bù jié ɡòu
  • Bridge superstructure;superstructure of bridge
  1. 缓和曲线桥梁上部结构的施工

    The tonoplast structure remained intact ; Construction of Transition Curve Bridge Superstructure

  2. 广东省某高速公路段桥梁上部结构加固设计

    The some superhighway bridge upper part construction reinforce design in Guangdong province

  3. 桥梁上部结构承载能力评定

    The Evaluation of Loading Capacity of Bridge Upper Part Structure

  4. 桥梁上部结构扣件式模板支架稳定性设计

    Stability Design of Falsework with Couplers for Bridge Upper Structure

  5. 公路桥梁上部结构检算方法的研究

    Study on the checking method for upper structure computations of highway bridges

  6. 桥梁上部结构形式定为悬链线无铰拱。

    The upper-structure of bridge employs catenary curve non-hinge arch .

  7. 桥梁上部结构预防张拉钢绞线断丝的体会

    Some Experience on Bridge Superstructure Preventing Tensioning Strand from Break

  8. 桥梁上部结构的养护与维修维修计划的优化设计

    Maintaining and repairing the bridge upper structure An Optimal Design for Maintenance Schedule

  9. 桥梁上部结构机械化施工安全性评价

    Security appraisal of mechanized construction for bridge upper parts

  10. 最后,对桥梁上部结构进行了强度和变形验算。

    Finally , checking the upper structure strength and deformation of the bridge .

  11. 支座是连接桥梁上部结构和下部结构的重要部件。

    The bearing is the important part that connects the superstructure and substructure .

  12. 常用跨径桥梁上部结构优化设计

    The Optimization Design on Superstructure of Standard Span Beam-Bridge

  13. 超高车辆撞击桥梁上部结构研究:损坏机理与撞击荷载

    Collision between over-high trucks and bridge superstructures : damage mechanism and impact loads

  14. 超高车辆-桥梁上部结构碰撞的破坏模式与荷载计算

    Failure Modes and Load Calculation of Collision Between Over-high Truck and Bridge Superstructure

  15. 梁格法在桥梁上部结构分析中的应用

    Application of Grillage Method in Bridge Decks Analysis

  16. 桥面铺装是桥梁上部结构的组成部分,即桥面保护层。

    Deck pavement , as deck protection course , is one part of bridge superstructure .

  17. 有关船头与桥梁上部结构间撞击力的数据有限。

    Limited data exists on the collision forces between ship bows and bridge superstructure components .

  18. 沈阳市农村公路桥梁上部结构加固维修对策的探讨

    Approach to Strategies for Reinforcing Maintenance of Superstructure of Rural Highway Bridge in Shengyang City

  19. 桥梁上部结构设计理论计算。

    Bridge superstructure design theory .

  20. 桥梁上部结构的落梁是桥梁倒塌的首要原因。

    The primary failure leading to collapse is identified as unseating of superstructures at the expansion joints and abutments .

  21. 文章将分析桥梁上部结构贴钢法加固的原理和设计方法。

    This article analyzes the principles and design of the binding steel strengthening method in the superstructure strengthening of bridge .

  22. 它将桥梁上部结构的反力和变形(位移和转角)可靠地传递给桥梁下部结构。

    The counter-force and distortion ( displacement and corner ) are reliable transferred from superstructure to substructure by the bearing .

  23. 由于周围大气温度的变化,桥梁上部结构产生的温度变形是一个客观存在的事实。

    Due to the atmosphere temperature change , the bridge superstructures ' thermal deformation exist impersonality which is a fact .

  24. 桥梁上部结构发生落梁是桥梁在地震中倒塌的一个主要原因。

    Unseating of superstructure at the expansion joints and abutments is the primary reason for collapsing of bridge during earthquake .

  25. 在加快基础建设的新形势下,桥梁上部结构的冬季施工势在必行;

    Under the new situation of accelerating the construction of foundation , the winter construction of the top structure of the bridge is imperative ;

  26. 通过后张法预应力砼桥梁上部结构的施工,总结预防张拉钢绞线断丝经验,以便指导施工生产。

    By the construction of post tensioning prestress concrete bridge superstructure , the paper discussed some experience on preventing tensioning strand from break for reference .

  27. 因此如何准确计算桥梁上部结构的温度变形是分析研究无伸缩缝桥梁受力性能的关键之一。

    So how to confirm the superstructures ' thermal deformation well and truly is the one key of analyse the jointless bridges ' loaded properties .

  28. 提出将响应面方法和非线性有限元分析结合起来对桥梁上部结构的体系可靠度进行分析的新方法。

    A new method aiming to incorporate the response surface method into the computation of system reliability for composite bridges is proposed in this paper .

  29. 验证了桩长设计参数的合理性,进一步优化了桩基设计,获得设计荷载作用下桩基的沉降变形,有效指导了桥梁上部结构的施工。

    Validated the design parameter 's rationality , optimized the design of pile foundation and got the setting deformation of pile foundation under design load .

  30. 近年,超高车辆撞击桥梁上部结构的事故频繁发生,严重威胁桥梁结构安全与城市交通运行。

    Recently , accidents of collisions between over-high trucks and bridge superstructures happen frequently , which seriously threaten the safety of bridges and city traffic system .