
qiáo liánɡ shì yàn
  • bridge testing
  1. 履带式桥梁试验荷载车

    Bridge loads testing track vehicle Buying a Car

  2. 大跨桥梁风洞试验模型模态耦合分析

    Modal Coupling Analysis of Long-span Bridge Model in Wind Tunnel Test

  3. 桥梁动态试验的模型桥设计

    The Model Bridge Design for the Dynamic Tests of Bridges

  4. 复合砂浆钢筋网加固桥梁构件试验研究

    Experimental study of bridge structural members strengthened with High-performance Ferrocement

  5. 微挠度桥梁及其试验研究

    Micro-deflection bridges based on the smart prestressing system and an experimental study

  6. 关于公路桥梁荷载试验相关问题的讨论

    Discussion on the related problems of highway bridge loading test

  7. 桥梁荷载试验理论分析准确性的影响因素分析

    The influencing factors of the accuracy of structural analysis for bridge loading test

  8. 桥梁荷载试验挠度测试法研究

    Study of Deflection Measure Method on Bridge Load Test

  9. 不中断交通状态下粘贴复合纤维布加固桥梁的试验与研究

    Test and Research of Reinforcing Bridge by Pasting Complex Fabric Cloth under Running State

  10. 大跨度自锚式斜拉悬索桥分析方法与性能研究自锚式悬索&斜拉组合体系桥梁模型试验研究

    A Study on Analysis Methods and System Performance of Long-span Self-anchored Cable-stayed Suspension Bridge

  11. 冲击荷载进行桥梁模态试验的研究

    Research on Bridge Modal Identification by Impulse Load

  12. 空间加载与面波技术在桥梁桩基试验分析中的应用

    Application of Space Loading and Surface Wave Technique in Bridge Pile Base Test Analysis

  13. 基于验证荷载法的桥梁荷载试验失效风险分析

    An Analysis of Failure Risk of the Bridge Load Test Based on Proof Load Method

  14. 大跨度桥梁荷载试验

    Loading test research on long-span bridge

  15. 通过桥梁荷载试验可以实现或验证正常使用极限状态承载力。

    The ultimate state of the bridge normal use can be practiced or tested by loading test .

  16. 桥梁荷载试验

    Test on Bridge Loading

  17. 自锚式悬索桥吊索张拉施工控制分析自锚式悬索&斜拉组合体系桥梁模型试验研究

    Research on hanger installation analysis and construction management for self-anchored suspension bridge Experimental Investigation of Self-anchored Suspension-cable Stayed Bridge

  18. 基于内力控制兼顾挠度荷载效率的桥梁荷载试验布载方法研究

    Research on load arrangement method of bridge load testing experiment based upon controls of efficiency of inner force and deformation

  19. 桥梁荷载试验是判断桥梁承载能力、评价桥梁现状的重要手段。

    The bridge loading test is an important means to judge the loading capacity and to assess the status quo of the bridge .

  20. 主要概述大型桥梁模型试验的总体试验方案,包括静力试验、动力特性试验和拟动力试验;

    The general testing scheme of large-scale bridge model including static test , dynamic test and pseudo dynamic test are presented briefly in this paper .

  21. 在分析通常采用的布载方法的基础上,笔者在本文指出了该法的不足并提出基于弯矩控制兼顾挠度效率的桥梁荷载试验布载方法解决该问题。

    Based upon detailed analysis of present load arrangement solution , this paper points out its lack and offers a method to fix the problem .

  22. 本文叙述了方法的基本原埋,激振设备和测量方法以及桥梁现场试验结果。

    This article also covers the basic concepts of this method , the descriptions of the pulsating equipment and measuring method , and tested results in bridge sites .

  23. 将本文计算数据与实桥试验数据及桥梁荷载试验报告中的理论计算数据相比较,以验证本文计算的正确性。

    Compare the calculation of this paper with testing measurement datum and theory calculate datum in load testing reports , the exactness of this paper can be validated .

  24. 常规的桥梁荷载试验检测桥梁对于新桥投入使用前或桥梁受到意外损伤时的安全性评估具有积极的意义。

    The routine bridge load monitoring system plays a very significant role in evaluating the safety performance of a new bridge before its operation or after unexpected damage .

  25. 本文依托陕西省西安公路研究院科研项目高墩大跨连续刚构桥梁模型试验,进行了高墩大跨连续刚构桥梁的计算分析。

    This analysis based on the project of the model test of Long-span Prestressed Concrete Continuous Rigid-frame Bridges with High Pier in the Xi ' an Highway Institute of the Shaanxi province .

  26. 主要工作如下:(1)论述了环境激励下大跨度桥梁模态试验方法,重点论述了移动测量法在模态试验中的应用,分析了模态试验时测点的布置、传感器的选择及放置方法。

    The following work is done as emphases : ( 1 ) It discusses the modal test of long-span bridges according to ambient excitation , mainly discussing the mobile measurement used in modal test .

  27. 对发生过脱轨事故的桥梁进行试验和理论分析,发现桥梁横向刚度是影响桥上列车走行安全性的重要因素。

    Based on theory of random energy analysis of train derailment , a new method was put forward to establish the limit value of bridge lateral rigidity with which derailment on bridges can be prevented .

  28. 在可靠度理论的基础上,对桥梁荷载试验测试荷载取值与试验风险的关系进行了分析,建立了测试风险分析模型。

    In this paper , the authors make an analysis of the relation of the test load and the failure risk and a model of risk analysis of bridge load test is proposed based on structures reliability .

  29. 而桥梁荷载试验作为检验桥梁的结构特性及其各种状态是否符合设计标准的重要手段,为设计提供参考,为工程验收提供依据,是桥梁建设的一个重要环节。

    Bridge load test , as an important means of inspecting the structural characteristics of bridge and testing whether the various states of the bridge meet the design standards , can provide a reference for the design and project acceptance .

  30. 总结了桩基的施工技术,结合该工程的桩基检测及桥梁荷载试验,对露筋病害进行了综合分析。

    In this paper , the construction techniques for the bored piles of the foundations are summarized , and the exposure of reinforcement at the pile heads is analyzed in a comprehensive way based on the pile detection and bridge load tests .